09 October 2024

Brought Into God's World

We have been studying through the book of Ruth at Teen Camp this year and I have been blessed to consider Christ as our Redeemer through the book.  During this study I have better observed the choices Ruth made beyond deciding to accompany Naomi to Bethlehem.  After clinging to Naomi at the crossroads between Moab and Israel, Ruth continued to listen to and follow her guidance.

When Boaz saw Ruth gleaning in his field, he told her not to go in anyone else's field and to stay with his servant girls.  Naomi said the same thing after she brought back a large haul of grain.  Then Ruth was bold and courageous to obey her mother-in-law when instructed to go to Boaz as he slept on the threshing floor and to uncover his feet.  "I'll do everything you say," Ruth responded and followed through on all she said.  Her inclination may have been to bustle around and distract herself with activity as she awaited word from Boaz, but she hearkened to the wise advice:  "Sit still, my daughter."

The act of Boaz spreading his garment over Ruth meant that she was coming under the protection of Boaz, to be brought into his world--even as she had come to trust under the shadow of the wings of the almighty God.  Boaz was not to be likened to God in her eyes, but Boaz desired to fulfill his role under law as a kinsman redeemer and raise up seed for the house of Elimelech by taking Ruth as wife.  I read from a Jewish perspective that a person's world ends where his coat ends, and thus a married person is one whose garment extends over other people as well.  It is a beautiful picture of how we, as foreigners of the kingdom of God, come to Jesus Christ by faith to enter His world and enjoy an eternal relationship with Him.

Jesus far exceeds Boaz in His kindness toward us, for Boaz agreed to Ruth's request because she was known to be a virtuous woman.  She had washed, anointed herself and wore clean clothes.  Not one of us is virtuous in coming to Christ for salvation; none of us can cleanse ourselves from the stench of death and stain of sin.  Yet while we were yet sinners, Christ demonstrated His love by dying for us!  By the power of the Gospel we have been given the right to become children of God, to have Him as our Father, and to enter His world--His kingdom where righteousness dwells.  Out of the wreckage of our lives tainted with self and sin, God makes us new creations and fruitful by His grace.

The question is:  will we draw near to Jesus in faith and obedience, or will we continue to go our own way alone?  Will we seek satisfaction in less than God or discover contentment by being brought into His world by a relationship with Jesus Christ?  With all Jesus has done, the choice is ours.

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