12 October 2024

Taking a Stand

This morning at church I did something out of the ordinary for me by inviting people to stand in repentance for sin and to pray together.  I explained to the congregation that until now God has given us all opportunity to repent of our sin, yet repentance is something we can neglect.  We can feel shame or guilt over sin, be disappointed in ourselves for continuing to sin, or be troubled by the consequences for our sin but never actually repent of it with contrition before the LORD.  As a shepherd leads sheep to the water and it is up to them to drink, so it is for those who preach and teach the word of God and seek to lead people to walk in God's ways.  Those who drink deeply of the living water of the Holy Spirit only do so because God has first drawn them.

One reason why it is not my first inclination to ask people to respond to a sermon in church publicly is because it is the easy thing to do.  Please don't misunderstand me:  there can be quite a battle that rages within a person that makes going forward, standing or even raising a hand very difficult to do.  I faced this battle many times during my Christian walk.  But the situation is contrived in an environment where much of the pressure we feel to respond is because of those around us and what they may be doing or thinking.  Having received an exhortation to repent of our sin, we can feel pressure to comply and demonstrate we are listening and doing what is right.  There can be countless reasons people stand or go forward at an invitation that have nothing to do with obedience or submission to God.

At a youth camp I spoke at last week, a youth pastor gave an invitation to people to raise their hands, to repeat a prayer and to go forward.  These are all good things to do when prompted by faith in God and submission to Him.  Just because some will go because their friends are going does not mean taking a stand for Jesus in response to an invitation is without merit.  However, the real stand of repentance is not taken when every eye is closed and head is bowed in the sanctuary but is when no one else is around and you are sitting at your computer and tempted to look at porn, when you want to have another glass of wine, when no one knows you are eyeing a pretty woman or a handsome man.  The stand of repentance of sin is taken when the pressure is on at work to lie and you choose to tell the truth even when it comes at a price; it is in confessing selfish attitudes and cursing in your heart to God who knows full well the corruption of our flesh.

I was blessed beyond measure at camp when a sea of young people were jumping and singing up front to worship music and a young man remained sitting in his seat, scowling with his arms crossed.  It may have been the Holy Spirit was speaking louder and more clearly to that lad who seemed to dig in his heels when all his friends were up front having fun.  While at one stage I may have rejoiced over all those kids who went forward to worship--imagining I had something to do with it--I rejoiced over the one with arms crossed who refused to sing.  Had he made a mockery of the invitation, he would have gone up with all his friends.  But I suspect he was stewing because God was speaking.  I know that young man is deeply loved by God and it is God's will he be saved, and God has done and will do everything to redeem his soul from destruction for eternal glory.  It may be the one who looks least likely to follow Jesus can be transformed to be the one who lives for Jesus faithfully for all his days, so great is the power of our God to save.

Those who will repent of their sin and take a stand for Christ is not during a church service but in all hours of the day when there are continual temptations and opportunities to sin.  We take our stand for Christ, not in the presence of others who observe us standing in church, but before the LORD who sees the thoughts and motives of our hearts.  Going forward in a sermon after wrestling with our conscience does not provide forgiveness, salvation or sanctification but by yielding to Jesus through faith every day as His disciples, loving and trusting Him.

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