God does not turn a blind eye to the transgressions or pride of His own people who willingly enter into a covenant with Him, for Scripture makes it plain judgment begins at the house of God (1 Peter 4:17). Judgment will not end there (as some would prefer), for the ungodly, proud and disobedient God will surely hold to account as well. Any smugness found in us that is pleased to see others others judged and condemned ought to be repented of and tempered with humility, knowing we will be required to give an account of our lives before the LORD of hosts. God is gracious and merciful to bring incremental judgments in our lives along with trials and pains, to the end we will be further refined and purified. One reason God allowed the Hebrews to face enemies and attacks within Canaan was to see if they would obey Him or not, to provide every opportunity for them to learn of His goodness, provision and salvation.
I have observed people who have been brought up in a version of Christianity that is preoccupied with setting up boundaries to prevent sin and then judging others who have a different standard as people "holier than thou." Isaiah 65:5 says before God this hypocrisy is like billowing smoke that burns His nostrils all day. Activities people viewed as sinful in themselves years ago (like playing cards, dancing or going to the movies) has changed for some people, but the proud and hypocritical spirit observed in the Pharisees according to the Gospels has endured. What is important to comprehend is God will hold us accountable to our exercise of liberty according to our knowledge, our conscience, His word, and how we walked in love for Him and others. We will not be judged on the basis of convictions other people maintain, but we will be judged if we willfully sin under the guise of liberty or place others under a legalistic yoke of bondage Jesus did not prescribe--for He does nothing of the sort.
I am often impressed and awestruck with the wisdom of God in His judgments, for those who violate His word and will are taken in their own net. God made a covenant with His people those who sold themselves as servants to pay off debts were to be released after 6 years, and in Jeremiah's day they released servants only to force them back into bondage. The LORD through the prophet declared in Jeremiah 34:17: "Therefore thus says the LORD: 'You have not obeyed Me in
proclaiming liberty, every one to his brother and every one to his neighbour.
Behold, I proclaim liberty to you,' says the LORD--'to the sword, to pestilence, and
to famine! And I will deliver you to trouble among all the kingdoms of the
earth." Those who imagine themselves free to do as they pleased were then given liberty by God to sword, pestilence and famine. Better to bind ourselves to please God with gladness and hearken unto His words than to bind ourselves or others with legalistic burdens or fall into the snare of sin disguised as liberty. Consider how God's ways and wisdom are past finding out, yet He is gracious to show us His awesome works.
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