I have spoken of my ongoing battle with ongoing scale problems in previous posts, and yesterday I had a breakthrough. I discovered the reason I am losing the scale battle is because I had been focused on the symptoms rather than the root cause: ants that place, farm and protect scale to feed on honeydew scale produces! I had noticed ants on the tree, but I had no idea they were the culprits who persistently placed scale at strategic locations where there was fresh growth. This knowledge has shifted my tactics dramatically because the scale was only a pawn in this battle. Eliminating the ants is the first and most important step of ridding the tree of scale. Unless I deal with the root cause, the symptom will persist.
In a recent study in Revelation 18, I had a similar enlightening moment concerning the Greek word "pharmakeia" that is translated "sorcery" in the KJV and NKJV. During my youth a lot of teaching I was exposed to about this word happened to be in the 80's and 90's, a time marked in America with a "war on drugs" that aimed to better educate and rid the nation of the scourge of illicit narcotics. Because "pharmakeia" bears a resemblance to "pharmacy," the application was often along the same popular lines of the day, to connect street drug use with witchcraft as abominable in God's sight. While this is a fair point, to reduce the meaning of sorcery or "pharmakeia" to drug use runs the risk of doing exactly what I did with the scale--looking at it as the problem in itself when it was merely a symptom of ant activity--it more resembled a shoot than the root. Unless the root cause of idolatry and self is dealt with drugs, sorcery, pride and sin will persist in a person.
One thing I observed of sorcerers in the Bible is their intention to draw people away from the worship of the true God. Pharaoh's magicians sought to duplicate God's wonders to show their idols and powers were superior to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Simon the sorcerer in Acts 8 amazed the people in Samaria with his magic arts and claimed to have the power of God. He desired to draw attention to himself. The Jew Bar-Jesus in Acts 13 sought to draw the proconsul away from faith in Jesus Christ. In Acts 19 Christians in Ephesus gathered their books of magic and burned them because they were completely opposed to faith and obedience to Jesus. This goes to the root of what "pharmakeia" is: a seductive, deceptive lie that man can be god. To reduce it to "doing drugs" misses the heart of rebellion that can manifest itself in countless ways.
How important it is for us to go to the heart of the matter, and Paul did this with his exhortation to believers in the church in 2 Corinthians 7:1: "Therefore, having these promises, beloved, let us
cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting
holiness in the fear of God." God has promised to dwell in us, have fellowship with us and receive us as a father does his children. Having been forgiven and cleansed of sin, in the fear of God we are to perfect holiness by cleansing ourselves--by repenting of sin in our minds, hearts and actions. Our efforts to "say no to sin" will be just as ineffective as saying "no to drugs" when our hearts are inclined to please ourselves rather than God. Being born again transforms us, and God's desire is for us to continue changing by further yielding to Him inside and out.
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