21 December 2024


One thing that struck me in preparation for the sermon this week was the visual of Jesus riding a white horse with the name written on His robe and thigh:  "KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS."  The only time I have seen artwork where the thighs of Jesus are exposed are during His crucifixion, but John saw in the book of Revelation the legs of Jesus which were compared to bronze will be seen and declare a message of His authority and power over all.

When John penned Revelation, one of the most devastating hand-to-hand weapons at the time was the large sword wielded by Thracians called a rhomphaia.  It was so effective it was the only weapon (as far I know) that prompted the Romans to make wholesale changes in armour because of cutting power that could split a shield.  Innovations like horses, chariots and strategic formations resulted in the defeat and subjugation of worthy fighters who were undone by outdated and insufficient resources.  In later times bows and arrows were overmatched by firearms, and tanks and aeroplanes rendered horses irrelevant.  Today I imagine swords are only worn as part of a dress uniform, nothing like the state-of-the-art weapon used in the 1st century.

Instead of having a sword girded on his thigh, Jesus has the name written:  "KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS."  This is significant because Jesus will not subdue the nations because He has more advanced weaponry.  There is no attack or defence possible against the Almighty God who will come to judge the world in righteousness.  As a skilled chess player has knowledge of strategies and responds to the move of an opponent (while thinking ahead), there will be no defence possible against Jesus, no shift in tactics or weaponry to obtain any advantage.  It is not weapons Jesus has at His disposal but who He is that will make Him victorious--God made flesh.  Unlike Goliath who carried a massive spear and sword, there is nothing intimidating about what Jesus carries.  He does not need armour for protection or weapons to strike down His enemies, for Jesus will annihilate all His enemies by His word alone.

Revelation 19:15 says, "Now out of His mouth goes a sharp sword, that with it He should strike the nations. And He Himself will rule them with a rod of iron. He Himself treads the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God."  Before Jesus came to earth, God gave people His word so all could know and choose to trust in Him.  God gave Moses His Law and sent prophets to proclaim the coming of the promised Messiah.  God came Himself to earth in the person of Jesus, and after Christ's death and resurrection God has enlisted His servants (Christians) to speak His Gospel to everyone so all could come to the knowledge of the truth, believe in Jesus and be saved.  For those who will not heed God's word or humbly respond to the Gospel spoken by His ambassadors, one day Jesus will return and speak for Himself--and bring destruction upon His enemies that will make all global conflicts combined seem a Sunday stroll.

When I started playing golf, I naively gauged the quality of a player based on the brand and quality of clubs they swung.  I didn't have the money for top-brand equipment, but it wasn't long before I learned clubs are not nearly as important as the coordination and consistency of the one swinging them.  The Hebrews hid from Goliath as he cursed God and defied the armies of the living God because he was a giant of a man with huge weapons.  Many people today don't think much of Jesus as He is depicted seated in a grass field holding a baby or a lamb, yet Revelation 19 paints a very different picture.  The God who spoke the world and all living things into existence can wipe mankind from the earth as a child does a dish.  Do not mistake His patience and mercy for weakness, for He is the KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS who will take vengeance upon His enemies.  Bow the knee before Him today and confess Him as LORD, for He is LORD and will always be.

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