03 November 2015

The Voice of the LORD

"The voice of the LORD makes the deer give birth, and strips the forests bare; and in His temple everyone says, "Glory!"
Psalm 29:9

In my recent study of Psalm 29, this verse stood out among others in this chapter which speaks often of the powerful and far-reaching impact of the voice of God.  It struck me the sound of God's voice impacts people differently, even as it causes the deer to give birth or stripping a forest bare.  One is left exposed and broken by the God's voice, and the other is startled into bringing forth new life.  Recognising God remains in control regardless of any circumstances we face is an abiding comfort in the life of a follower of Jesus.

The heart strengthened by faith in God as revealed in His Word is convinced He makes all work for good in the life of those who love Him (Romans 8:28).  Despite storms, pain, and trials, God's people are able to rejoice in Him regardless.  It is one thing to read about the faithful people of God who were blessed to endure, but it is God's will for all people to personally experience the upholding power of God's Spirit.  At the voice of God, all those who worship God in the beauty of His holiness say, "Glory!"  Paul was able to rejoice despite persecution, unjust imprisonment, and slander.  He said in the face of death, "Rejoice in the LORD always!  Again I will say, rejoice!"  He had the ability to see the power and sufficiency of Christ in the midst of the trial without focusing on how he had been mistreated, his pain, or what potential misfortunes awaited him.  He was no believer in luck or "fortune" but in the sovereign power, goodness, and wisdom of His glorious Saviour.

God is speaking today.  Are you listening?  Whether His voice strips you bare of deceit and reveals sinful motives or awakens in you new desire to worship and draw near to Him, listen and obey.  The God who made man's mouth also made His ears.  The God who confounded the languages at Babel has the authority and power to be clearly understood by all.  It is when we quiet our hearts before Him we can hear His still small voice which strikes through our souls like a bolt of lightning.  Speak O LORD, for you servant hears (by your grace)!

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