As the New Year begins, many people make resolutions on changes they will make in their lives. I believe if you have the constitution and willpower to actually keep your resolutions, it's likely you do not need to make them! With how most people live, instead of saying you have made a "New Year's resolution," you might as well say "I wish." There is a lot we all wish we could change about ourselves. Trouble is, it takes a new calender year to inspire us to work for one change we desire or know we need. And when the resolution has no impact except guilt because we haven't done our part, we sigh, shrug our shoulders and say to ourselves, "There's always next year..." The devil would love for us to wait a year between efforts at change for the better.
Last night I had an interesting conversation about New Year's resolutions. People were discussing how the New Year is a great opportunity for personal reflection upon the last year. This is a very healthy response which should not be reserved for one day out of the year! We must see our deficiencies before we will aim higher. We can be very content in our failing, not even holding ourselves accountable for falling short of our low expectations!
The thing we must understand about changing ourselves is that we cannot do it! It takes help from without to change within. Why do you think support groups are so key for those recovering from substance abuse? The trouble is the support group can become a substitute for the substance: remove the support group and often the substance resumes the previous hold. I am convinced that God is the only one who can truly change a person. He changes our attitudes, hearts, desires, the way we think, and the things we desire to think about! Our God has the capacity to transform us into a new creation. There is no need for us to wait a year for this change: He can do it in an instant when we ask humbly according to His perfect will.
I'm sure David did not wait years between his prayer in Psalm 139:23-24: "Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me, and know my anxieties; [24] And see if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting." It is good for us to always be continually reviewing our conduct and attitudes. But the LORD is the one who searches our hearts. He finds things to change that we didn't even know were there. The great thing is instead of heaping upon ourselves condemnation, we receive grace, mercy, and communion with God. Instead of making resolutions trusting an arm of flesh, let us cry out to the One who is steadfast and immovable, all-powerful and wise. If there is any good change to be made in us God must be the Author and Finisher. When God begins a good work He is faithful to complete it every time.
31 December 2009
29 December 2009
Give All to God
A great temptation we will face as believers is to keep what should be given to God for ourselves. A perfect example of this is found in Acts chapter 5 when Ananias and Sapphira kept back part of the price of the land. Under the guise of bringing the full purchase price, Ananias laid a part of the total price at the feet of the apostles. Acts 5:3-5 reads, "But Peter said, "Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit and keep back part of the price of the land for yourself? [4] While it remained, was it not your own? And after it was sold, was it not in your own control? Why have you conceived this thing in your heart? You have not lied to men but to God." [5] Then Ananias, hearing these words, fell down and breathed his last. So great fear came upon all those who heard these things."
God has granted all people talents and resources. As followers of Christ we have the privilege of being led by the Holy Spirit. Ananias was not influenced by God to give but by Satan. There are any number of reasons why he lied and gave part instead of all, but none of those reasons make it right. He paid for his sin with his life and great fear fell upon the people who heard of this. Today as I was working wrapping duct, the phrase kept ringing in my head: "While it remained, was it not your own?" God has given us stewardship of earthly things for a little while. The earth will pass away. We have control over what we buy, sell, how we give, and what we keep for ourselves. How we conduct ourselves will bring consequences to our lives, good or bad.
I wonder: if Ananias could do it over again, would he give all to God or keep all for himself? There is no middle ground. As Gladys Aylward says, "God does not need our bits and pieces." He wants all of us. It is the lie of Satan for us to think it is o.k. to pretend to give all the glory to God but keep a little to stroke our egos. It is not right to cast our burdens upon Christ but reserve a few to justify worrying or feeling sorry for ourselves. Jesus did not give part of Himself on the cross. I believe it is impossible for us to give all to God. But what is impossible for us is possible with God, for all things are possible for them who believe.
Being a steward of the mysteries of the Gospel is a daunting, sober responsibility. Let him who think he stands take heed lest he fall. As the song says my heart shouts, "I surrender all...all to thee my blessed Savior, I surrender all." LORD, please make that a reality. I cannot do this thing. I am no better than Ananias. I renounce all the times I have kept back part for myself when I should have given all. I praise you for Your faithfulness, O God, for you are able to accomplish what concerns me today and always.
God has granted all people talents and resources. As followers of Christ we have the privilege of being led by the Holy Spirit. Ananias was not influenced by God to give but by Satan. There are any number of reasons why he lied and gave part instead of all, but none of those reasons make it right. He paid for his sin with his life and great fear fell upon the people who heard of this. Today as I was working wrapping duct, the phrase kept ringing in my head: "While it remained, was it not your own?" God has given us stewardship of earthly things for a little while. The earth will pass away. We have control over what we buy, sell, how we give, and what we keep for ourselves. How we conduct ourselves will bring consequences to our lives, good or bad.
I wonder: if Ananias could do it over again, would he give all to God or keep all for himself? There is no middle ground. As Gladys Aylward says, "God does not need our bits and pieces." He wants all of us. It is the lie of Satan for us to think it is o.k. to pretend to give all the glory to God but keep a little to stroke our egos. It is not right to cast our burdens upon Christ but reserve a few to justify worrying or feeling sorry for ourselves. Jesus did not give part of Himself on the cross. I believe it is impossible for us to give all to God. But what is impossible for us is possible with God, for all things are possible for them who believe.
Being a steward of the mysteries of the Gospel is a daunting, sober responsibility. Let him who think he stands take heed lest he fall. As the song says my heart shouts, "I surrender all...all to thee my blessed Savior, I surrender all." LORD, please make that a reality. I cannot do this thing. I am no better than Ananias. I renounce all the times I have kept back part for myself when I should have given all. I praise you for Your faithfulness, O God, for you are able to accomplish what concerns me today and always.
28 December 2009
Give to the Giver
God intends we use every gift, talent, and ability He graciously gives us. Our heavenly Father never intends the gifts He gives to be restricted to us. When we receive a Christmas gift or a birthday present the understanding is, "This is for me." When we receive any gift from God we are responsible to first give that gift right back to Him for Him to use through us. This will directly benefit others through the edification of the Body of Christ and glorify God. What God gives us really isn't for us in the end. It is for Him!
When I read the Bible and God speaks clearly to my heart, it's not like a "Mission Impossible" message that is for my eyes only and will self-destruct after five seconds. Now I have a responsibility and duty to share with others. Think about the example of giving God has shown us. God had an only begotten Son who He sent to be the Savior of the world. He didn't keep Jesus to Himself. He created the world, the oceans, all the living creatures, and kept nothing for Himself. The twenty-four elders in Rev. 4:11 say to God, "You are worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power; for You created all things, and by Your will they exist and were created." God created all things but He did not reserve the world's riches, beauty, or splendor for angels only. God allows the rain to fall on the just and unjust alike.
Think about something you have received from God. Have you been given it back to God so He can share it with the world through you so He might be glorified? Take love, for instance. God has loved us with an everlasting love. It is a tangible love we can revel in and enjoy forever. But you were never intended to be the end of that everlasting love: God's will is His love would be revealed not just to us, but through us. If we are the end of any gift of God it is a gift falling short of God's purpose for that gift. Salvation is precious and an unspeakable blessing, but it must be passed on to others through the preaching of the Gospel. Grace and mercy are wonderful gifts but if they remain buried in the ground like the servant's talent it does us and the world no good.
What God gives and you receive give right back to Him. Jesus had the power to heal but did not limit His miraculous ability to family and friends only. He has the power to save but chose not to save Himself so we all could be saved by His shed blood. Allow God to challenge you. When He comes might He say to us, "Well done, good and faithful servant. Enter into the joy of the LORD." Only those who have entered into that joy on earth will enter into eternal joy. Have you made your Savior joyous today?
When I read the Bible and God speaks clearly to my heart, it's not like a "Mission Impossible" message that is for my eyes only and will self-destruct after five seconds. Now I have a responsibility and duty to share with others. Think about the example of giving God has shown us. God had an only begotten Son who He sent to be the Savior of the world. He didn't keep Jesus to Himself. He created the world, the oceans, all the living creatures, and kept nothing for Himself. The twenty-four elders in Rev. 4:11 say to God, "You are worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power; for You created all things, and by Your will they exist and were created." God created all things but He did not reserve the world's riches, beauty, or splendor for angels only. God allows the rain to fall on the just and unjust alike.
Think about something you have received from God. Have you been given it back to God so He can share it with the world through you so He might be glorified? Take love, for instance. God has loved us with an everlasting love. It is a tangible love we can revel in and enjoy forever. But you were never intended to be the end of that everlasting love: God's will is His love would be revealed not just to us, but through us. If we are the end of any gift of God it is a gift falling short of God's purpose for that gift. Salvation is precious and an unspeakable blessing, but it must be passed on to others through the preaching of the Gospel. Grace and mercy are wonderful gifts but if they remain buried in the ground like the servant's talent it does us and the world no good.
What God gives and you receive give right back to Him. Jesus had the power to heal but did not limit His miraculous ability to family and friends only. He has the power to save but chose not to save Himself so we all could be saved by His shed blood. Allow God to challenge you. When He comes might He say to us, "Well done, good and faithful servant. Enter into the joy of the LORD." Only those who have entered into that joy on earth will enter into eternal joy. Have you made your Savior joyous today?
26 December 2009
Children, our Heritage
"Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward. [4] Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one's youth. [5] Happy is the man who has his quiver full of them; they shall not be ashamed, but shall speak with their enemies in the gate." Psalm 127:3-5
As God does not slumber or sleep, neither does the enemy of our souls. Satan is actively seeking to pervert the straight ways of the LORD. He will not stop his assault upon our children. Men like Karl Marx know that the way to turn a nation is to indoctrinate the youth through media, subversion of morality, the denial of God and the absolute truth of scripture, and the fracturing of the God-ordained family. God ordained marriage as a union between one man and one woman and this is under fire today even in kindergarten classrooms. Children are a heritage from the LORD, but many are convinced that killing a child in the womb through abortion is not crime but convenience. Satan would like nothing more than to twist and dull the arrows in our quiver so our spiritual warfare will be in vain.
The devil has a lot more time than I do. He does not expect immediate results and does not seek them. The longer he can operate unnoticed, the more pronounced the perversion will be in the end. As tares grow together with the wheat after planting, the damage he does through deceit and lies will be more evident in seasons to come. Children of God, it is high time that we allow the Holy Spirit to mobilize us to action in teaching our children according to God's truth. Satan wants to strip us of the godly heritage our children are intended to be for Him and future generations of people on the earth. No means or method is off-limits for Satan as he schemes and plots the destruction of God and the righteous truth He stands for. He targets especially those who are young, impressionable, and hold the hope of the future.
Can Satan win? Not in the end. It doesn't mean we won't lose good men and women to his devices. The devil is so proud he believes victory will be his and is dangerous beyond belief. As a pastor I have seen the collatoral damage caused by enemy attacks. When the bombs start falling it's not only those in uniform who can die. More than soldiers are affected in warfare: families are torn apart, civilians wounded and killed, and infrastructure is destroyed. Satan has taken aim at our children through music, television, and the internet which are loaded with the potential to decay and rot morality with atomic force. As parents we must be willing to stand up for godliness and righteousness and call sin what it is: sin.
Solomon writes "... they shall not be ashamed, but shall speak with their enemies in the gate." These straight arrows raised up as godly seed of righteousness will not be ashamed of the truth. Romans 1:16 says, "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek." We should never be ashamed of what has the power to bring salvation to all people. Notice the righteous children "speak with their enemies in the gate." From this we learn many things:
As God does not slumber or sleep, neither does the enemy of our souls. Satan is actively seeking to pervert the straight ways of the LORD. He will not stop his assault upon our children. Men like Karl Marx know that the way to turn a nation is to indoctrinate the youth through media, subversion of morality, the denial of God and the absolute truth of scripture, and the fracturing of the God-ordained family. God ordained marriage as a union between one man and one woman and this is under fire today even in kindergarten classrooms. Children are a heritage from the LORD, but many are convinced that killing a child in the womb through abortion is not crime but convenience. Satan would like nothing more than to twist and dull the arrows in our quiver so our spiritual warfare will be in vain.
The devil has a lot more time than I do. He does not expect immediate results and does not seek them. The longer he can operate unnoticed, the more pronounced the perversion will be in the end. As tares grow together with the wheat after planting, the damage he does through deceit and lies will be more evident in seasons to come. Children of God, it is high time that we allow the Holy Spirit to mobilize us to action in teaching our children according to God's truth. Satan wants to strip us of the godly heritage our children are intended to be for Him and future generations of people on the earth. No means or method is off-limits for Satan as he schemes and plots the destruction of God and the righteous truth He stands for. He targets especially those who are young, impressionable, and hold the hope of the future.
Can Satan win? Not in the end. It doesn't mean we won't lose good men and women to his devices. The devil is so proud he believes victory will be his and is dangerous beyond belief. As a pastor I have seen the collatoral damage caused by enemy attacks. When the bombs start falling it's not only those in uniform who can die. More than soldiers are affected in warfare: families are torn apart, civilians wounded and killed, and infrastructure is destroyed. Satan has taken aim at our children through music, television, and the internet which are loaded with the potential to decay and rot morality with atomic force. As parents we must be willing to stand up for godliness and righteousness and call sin what it is: sin.
Solomon writes "... they shall not be ashamed, but shall speak with their enemies in the gate." These straight arrows raised up as godly seed of righteousness will not be ashamed of the truth. Romans 1:16 says, "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek." We should never be ashamed of what has the power to bring salvation to all people. Notice the righteous children "speak with their enemies in the gate." From this we learn many things:
- The children of righteousness recognize their enemies. This is only possible through the wisdom and truth that springs through the Holy Spirit, a person whose eyes have been opened by Jesus Christ.
- The children of righteousness guard the gate. Proverbs 4:23 says, "Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life." It is a wise man who guards himself from the lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and the pride of life (1 John 2:16).
- Wise children will not abandon the wisdom of their righteous forefathers. The gate of the city in Bible times would be the place where the elders and people of authority sat. We are blessed with many forefathers of faith: Enoch, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, David, and Jesus Himself. There are many who have been blessed with godly parents. I would rather a child be born without limbs than being born into a family that hates God and seeks to turn the hearts of children against Him. Even in this, however, God receives much glory when He redeems and saves by His grace, mercy, and love!
- These righteous children speak with the authority of Jesus Christ. God tells us the perfect words to say at the right moment. Titus 2:11-15 says, "For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, [12] teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age, [13] looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, [14] who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself His own special people, zealous for good works. [15] Speak these things, exhort, and rebuke with all authority. Let no one despise you."
- The enemy remains the enemy, and the enemy is kept outside. The devil would love our children to lower themselves to embracing his standards. Deut. 6:4-7 says: "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one! [5] You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. [6] "And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. [7] You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up."
23 December 2009
A Great Heritage
Isaiah 54:1-17
"Sing, O barren,
You who have not borne!
Break forth into singing, and cry aloud,
You who have not labored with child!
For more are the children of the desolate
Than the children of the married woman," says the Lord.
[2] "Enlarge the place of your tent,
And let them stretch out the curtains of your dwellings;
Do not spare;
Lengthen your cords,
And strengthen your stakes.
[3] For you shall expand to the right and to the left,
And your descendants will inherit the nations,
And make the desolate cities inhabited.
[4] "Do not fear, for you will not be ashamed;
Neither be disgraced, for you will not be put to shame;
For you will forget the shame of your youth,
And will not remember the reproach of your widowhood anymore.
[5] For your Maker is your husband,
The Lord of hosts is His name;
And your Redeemer is the Holy One of Israel;
He is called the God of the whole earth.
[6] For the Lord has called you
Like a woman forsaken and grieved in spirit,
Like a youthful wife when you were refused,"
Says your God.
[7] "For a mere moment I have forsaken you,
But with great mercies I will gather you.
[8] With a little wrath I hid My face from you for a moment;
But with everlasting kindness I will have mercy on you,"
Says the Lord, your Redeemer.
[9] "For this is like the waters of Noah to Me;
For as I have sworn
That the waters of Noah would no longer cover the earth,
So have I sworn
That I would not be angry with you, nor rebuke you.
[10] For the mountains shall depart
And the hills be removed,
But My kindness shall not depart from you,
Nor shall My covenant of peace be removed,"
Says the Lord, who has mercy on you.
[11] "O you afflicted one,
Tossed with tempest, and not comforted,
Behold, I will lay your stones with colorful gems,
And lay your foundations with sapphires.
[12] I will make your pinnacles of rubies,
Your gates of crystal,
And all your walls of precious stones.
[13] All your children shall be taught by the Lord,
And great shall be the peace of your children.
[14] In righteousness you shall be established;
You shall be far from oppression, for you shall not fear;
And from terror, for it shall not come near you.
[15] Indeed they shall surely assemble, but not because of Me.
Whoever assembles against you shall fall for your sake.
[16] "Behold, I have created the blacksmith
Who blows the coals in the fire,
Who brings forth an instrument for his work;
And I have created the spoiler to destroy.
[17] No weapon formed against you shall prosper,
And every tongue which rises against you in judgment
You shall condemn.
This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord,
And their righteousness is from Me,"
Says the Lord."
"Sing, O barren,
You who have not borne!
Break forth into singing, and cry aloud,
You who have not labored with child!
For more are the children of the desolate
Than the children of the married woman," says the Lord.
[2] "Enlarge the place of your tent,
And let them stretch out the curtains of your dwellings;
Do not spare;
Lengthen your cords,
And strengthen your stakes.
[3] For you shall expand to the right and to the left,
And your descendants will inherit the nations,
And make the desolate cities inhabited.
[4] "Do not fear, for you will not be ashamed;
Neither be disgraced, for you will not be put to shame;
For you will forget the shame of your youth,
And will not remember the reproach of your widowhood anymore.
[5] For your Maker is your husband,
The Lord of hosts is His name;
And your Redeemer is the Holy One of Israel;
He is called the God of the whole earth.
[6] For the Lord has called you
Like a woman forsaken and grieved in spirit,
Like a youthful wife when you were refused,"
Says your God.
[7] "For a mere moment I have forsaken you,
But with great mercies I will gather you.
[8] With a little wrath I hid My face from you for a moment;
But with everlasting kindness I will have mercy on you,"
Says the Lord, your Redeemer.
[9] "For this is like the waters of Noah to Me;
For as I have sworn
That the waters of Noah would no longer cover the earth,
So have I sworn
That I would not be angry with you, nor rebuke you.
[10] For the mountains shall depart
And the hills be removed,
But My kindness shall not depart from you,
Nor shall My covenant of peace be removed,"
Says the Lord, who has mercy on you.
[11] "O you afflicted one,
Tossed with tempest, and not comforted,
Behold, I will lay your stones with colorful gems,
And lay your foundations with sapphires.
[12] I will make your pinnacles of rubies,
Your gates of crystal,
And all your walls of precious stones.
[13] All your children shall be taught by the Lord,
And great shall be the peace of your children.
[14] In righteousness you shall be established;
You shall be far from oppression, for you shall not fear;
And from terror, for it shall not come near you.
[15] Indeed they shall surely assemble, but not because of Me.
Whoever assembles against you shall fall for your sake.
[16] "Behold, I have created the blacksmith
Who blows the coals in the fire,
Who brings forth an instrument for his work;
And I have created the spoiler to destroy.
[17] No weapon formed against you shall prosper,
And every tongue which rises against you in judgment
You shall condemn.
This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord,
And their righteousness is from Me,"
Says the Lord."
20 December 2009
Look to Yourselves
This morning I read 2 John during my quiet time with the LORD. 2 John 1:8 caught my attention: "Look to yourselves, that we do not lose those things we worked for, but that we may receive a full reward." Things that grab my attention usually make me think. Hebrews 12:3 says we are to look unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith. These verses are not contradictory but complimentary. Looking unto Jesus ought to be our primary concern and focus, since He is our Savior and Light of the World. We ought not to be self-focused, but there is a healthy need for thorough self-examination. We are called to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling. We need to take heed to ourselves for the purpose of seeing whether we are in the faith or not, if we are abiding in Christ, and remaining obedient to the Holy Spirit's leading.
What struck me in this verse is the possibility of working for something and losing the full reward. It is God who works in us both to will and do of His good pleasure. We have salvation through the free gift of Jesus Christ and His shed blood, who alone can reconcile a man dead in His sins with God and breathe the breath of life into his soul. The scripture talks about people who enter heaven "as by fire," people who have narrowly escaped hell. Eternal life, though a great reward, is their own reward. I wrote in my notebook this morning: "Our Savior comes quickly, and His reward is with Him. It is possible to enter heaven without great reward, and only a fool would aspire to such a heavenly entry. We are rewarded for the glory of God. Is it not wise to glorify God now so we may glorify Him even more in heaven, His reward being a testimony not of our greatness but of His?"
Pastor Dale said this morning the Bible reveals God asks for three things of people: glory, praise, and thanks. God is worthy of these things and is willing to receive them from sinners once opposed to Him, people like me. How wonderful it is that the more we receive from God the more glory we can give to God. Those who have been forgiven much love much. Those who have much of worldly glory often become thankless, arrogant, and proud. May it not be true of those who have received much from God! My mind went immediately to Micah 6:8: "He has shown you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?" When we do what is right God will receive the glory, praise, and thanks of his people and those who are not yet His people. How many times did people see the wondrous works of Christ and give God the glory? We have been created unto good works that people may see them and glorify our Father who is in heaven.
May we look to Jesus and look unto ourselves. There is a song that goes, "Search me O God, and know my heart. See if there be anything at all that might keep me from hearing you, keep me from knowing you, keep me from loving you, O LORD." We could add to it, "See if there be anything at all that might keep me from glorifying you, keep me from praising you, keep me from thanking you." Let us be receivers of God's full reward and givers of the love that Christ has ushered into our hearts.
What struck me in this verse is the possibility of working for something and losing the full reward. It is God who works in us both to will and do of His good pleasure. We have salvation through the free gift of Jesus Christ and His shed blood, who alone can reconcile a man dead in His sins with God and breathe the breath of life into his soul. The scripture talks about people who enter heaven "as by fire," people who have narrowly escaped hell. Eternal life, though a great reward, is their own reward. I wrote in my notebook this morning: "Our Savior comes quickly, and His reward is with Him. It is possible to enter heaven without great reward, and only a fool would aspire to such a heavenly entry. We are rewarded for the glory of God. Is it not wise to glorify God now so we may glorify Him even more in heaven, His reward being a testimony not of our greatness but of His?"
Pastor Dale said this morning the Bible reveals God asks for three things of people: glory, praise, and thanks. God is worthy of these things and is willing to receive them from sinners once opposed to Him, people like me. How wonderful it is that the more we receive from God the more glory we can give to God. Those who have been forgiven much love much. Those who have much of worldly glory often become thankless, arrogant, and proud. May it not be true of those who have received much from God! My mind went immediately to Micah 6:8: "He has shown you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?" When we do what is right God will receive the glory, praise, and thanks of his people and those who are not yet His people. How many times did people see the wondrous works of Christ and give God the glory? We have been created unto good works that people may see them and glorify our Father who is in heaven.
May we look to Jesus and look unto ourselves. There is a song that goes, "Search me O God, and know my heart. See if there be anything at all that might keep me from hearing you, keep me from knowing you, keep me from loving you, O LORD." We could add to it, "See if there be anything at all that might keep me from glorifying you, keep me from praising you, keep me from thanking you." Let us be receivers of God's full reward and givers of the love that Christ has ushered into our hearts.
16 December 2009
The God who Establishes
Proverbs 16:3 says, "Commit your works to the Lord, and your thoughts will be established." When we surrender our lives to God's control He guides us in conduct and thought. The Christian walk is not the avoidance of sin but the active doing of good. When we are doing good we will not be sinning. There is no neutral position.
One of the things God emphatically showed me during my trip to Australia was the need to have my family established. To do that I personally must be established by Christ upon His Word and walk in accordance to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Unless the LORD builds the house, they labor in vain who build it. It is God's work, but I must be willing to allow God to work in me before He can work through me. For a ministry to be successful in your home country or the foreign mission field, the family structure must not only be intact, but established.
Before I left for OZ, a large potted tree at Calvary Chapel El Cajon tipped over. The pot stayed firm to the ground but the tree fell over, lifting the muddy root ball out of the pot. Because there was a lot of dirt in the roots it did not immediately go into shock and it was decided we would attempt to transplant the tree. One of the brothers remarked that the tree was possibly a picture of me and my family, being transplanted from one location to another. The tree lives to this day and has fresh green leaves, though it hasn't grown much new wood.
It occurred to me that when a tree is transplanted, it will droop a little bit and go into shock. You would not expect a transplanted tree to instantly start producing fruit or growing new boughs. It should be expected that leaves would fall, a few branches would die and need to be pruned, and it would need to be staked to keep winds from knocking it over. It is a similar picture to a family moving to minister in a foreign country. It would be unrealistic to expect immediate fruit from such a venture, and there would need to be a support system in place to enable the tree to stand firm.
I am so blessed to have a supportive home church and care team with loving people who are enthusiastic in their prayers and encouragemnent. This support system will be crucial in America but also in Australia. It is the LORD who will establish us. Life is more than food, clothing, and houses: life is found only in Jesus Christ. Without Him providing the life, all I could provide is religion powered by the flesh. Less than one horsepower won't move you fast or far, and a work of the flesh is abominable in God's sight - as if we could do HIS work on our own!
Remember to commit your works to the LORD and your thoughts will be established. Should cares and worry crowd out praise and worship of our Savior? The church in Australia is largely like that fallen tree still in the pot. It is not standing upright and is not established wholly upon the Word of God. The condition of the church is Christ's responsibility and every Christian has a work to do in the church to edify, exhort, and strengthen that Body with the strength every joint supplies. Do you realize God has a great work for you to do? This work will take many forms. Stay faithful and be content where you are. Right where God has you is the place He will receive the most glory. It is not reserved for some distant place or some other season or time: it is right now because today is the day of salvation.
One of the things God emphatically showed me during my trip to Australia was the need to have my family established. To do that I personally must be established by Christ upon His Word and walk in accordance to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Unless the LORD builds the house, they labor in vain who build it. It is God's work, but I must be willing to allow God to work in me before He can work through me. For a ministry to be successful in your home country or the foreign mission field, the family structure must not only be intact, but established.
Before I left for OZ, a large potted tree at Calvary Chapel El Cajon tipped over. The pot stayed firm to the ground but the tree fell over, lifting the muddy root ball out of the pot. Because there was a lot of dirt in the roots it did not immediately go into shock and it was decided we would attempt to transplant the tree. One of the brothers remarked that the tree was possibly a picture of me and my family, being transplanted from one location to another. The tree lives to this day and has fresh green leaves, though it hasn't grown much new wood.
It occurred to me that when a tree is transplanted, it will droop a little bit and go into shock. You would not expect a transplanted tree to instantly start producing fruit or growing new boughs. It should be expected that leaves would fall, a few branches would die and need to be pruned, and it would need to be staked to keep winds from knocking it over. It is a similar picture to a family moving to minister in a foreign country. It would be unrealistic to expect immediate fruit from such a venture, and there would need to be a support system in place to enable the tree to stand firm.
I am so blessed to have a supportive home church and care team with loving people who are enthusiastic in their prayers and encouragemnent. This support system will be crucial in America but also in Australia. It is the LORD who will establish us. Life is more than food, clothing, and houses: life is found only in Jesus Christ. Without Him providing the life, all I could provide is religion powered by the flesh. Less than one horsepower won't move you fast or far, and a work of the flesh is abominable in God's sight - as if we could do HIS work on our own!
Remember to commit your works to the LORD and your thoughts will be established. Should cares and worry crowd out praise and worship of our Savior? The church in Australia is largely like that fallen tree still in the pot. It is not standing upright and is not established wholly upon the Word of God. The condition of the church is Christ's responsibility and every Christian has a work to do in the church to edify, exhort, and strengthen that Body with the strength every joint supplies. Do you realize God has a great work for you to do? This work will take many forms. Stay faithful and be content where you are. Right where God has you is the place He will receive the most glory. It is not reserved for some distant place or some other season or time: it is right now because today is the day of salvation.
14 December 2009
Father Appreciation
This Sunday I caught some of the Broncos/Colts football game. The game was played in Indianapolis and the dome stadium was packed with fans wearing blue and white. In a losing effort, Brandon Marshall had a record-setting game during which he caught 21 passes and scored two touchdowns. After his first touchdown, Brandon gave the touchdown ball to a Bronco fan in the stands wearing a bright orange #15 Marshall jersey. It was moving to see the appreciation of the woman who received the prize ball, clearly overcome with emotion. I am no Bronco fan but I thought it was a classy and gracious thing to do.
The thought struck me: see how excited people can be over a piece of inflated leather with letters stamped on it. Am I as outwardly thankful and appreciative as the fan who received the touchdown ball with the gifts my Heavenly Father has given to me? Am I overcome with emotion as I consider eternal salvation, joy, love, and forgiveness freely given by my flawless Savior to a flawed man like me? That football will catch fire when a flame is put to it. It can be lost, stolen, deflated, cut, cracked, scuffed, and scratched. But what our great God and Savior has given us by His grace cannot be compared with a football.
Brandon Marshall singled out a fan wearing his team jersey, but Jesus singled me out and offered me the gift of salvation when I was an enemy of His. God does not want fans but friends. He wants people who receive His gifts as a little child on Christmas or like a grown woman on the sidelines whose dream of somehow owning a Brandon Marshall touchdown ball has just come true. My appreciation of God ought to be great and obvious to all. I ought to be moved with emotion when I consider what my Savior has done for me, and God forgive these often dry eyes!
The word "appreciation" is interesting because it speaks not only of gratitude and thankfulness. It also entails the "act of estimating the quality and value of things." Another meaning of appreciation is "an increase in the value of something." Is your appreciation of God appreciating? May we value the love, grace, and mercy of God and appreciate who God is and the wonderful things He has done.
The thought struck me: see how excited people can be over a piece of inflated leather with letters stamped on it. Am I as outwardly thankful and appreciative as the fan who received the touchdown ball with the gifts my Heavenly Father has given to me? Am I overcome with emotion as I consider eternal salvation, joy, love, and forgiveness freely given by my flawless Savior to a flawed man like me? That football will catch fire when a flame is put to it. It can be lost, stolen, deflated, cut, cracked, scuffed, and scratched. But what our great God and Savior has given us by His grace cannot be compared with a football.
Brandon Marshall singled out a fan wearing his team jersey, but Jesus singled me out and offered me the gift of salvation when I was an enemy of His. God does not want fans but friends. He wants people who receive His gifts as a little child on Christmas or like a grown woman on the sidelines whose dream of somehow owning a Brandon Marshall touchdown ball has just come true. My appreciation of God ought to be great and obvious to all. I ought to be moved with emotion when I consider what my Savior has done for me, and God forgive these often dry eyes!
The word "appreciation" is interesting because it speaks not only of gratitude and thankfulness. It also entails the "act of estimating the quality and value of things." Another meaning of appreciation is "an increase in the value of something." Is your appreciation of God appreciating? May we value the love, grace, and mercy of God and appreciate who God is and the wonderful things He has done.
12 December 2009
To be Constrained
I went out this evening to a neighborhood church to hear a man who has been faithful for many years in God's service, Bill Wilson. He has been in full-time ministry for 42 years, 30 of which in a rough area in New York city. He runs the largest Sunday School in the world and is still going strong. With 160 full-time staff and many volunteers, his ministry not only buses in thousands of children every week to Sunday School, but visits the 22,000 kids who attend Metro Ministries every week outside of church. This post really isn't about Bill at all but something that he said.
He preached out of 2 Cor. 5:14 tonight: "For the love of Christ constraineth us; because we thus judge, that if one died for all, then were all dead..." Most of the message centered out of the word "constraineth," which has three meanings of equal relevance and strength: 1) to be forced to do something, 2) to be kept away from something, 3) and to be kept in something. Unlike words which predominately mean one thing, all three of these definitions apply with equality.
It is the love of Christ that constrains us to do good, for He has paid a debt for us that He did not owe and we could not pay. Now our lives are to be lived for Him, seeing as we will eternally owe Christ for what He has done for us. Because of Christ's love, He was constrained to obey His Father and go to the cross, willingly laying down His life for ours. His great love forced Him to do what willpower alone could not. Because of Christ's love He kept Himself from sin. He did not seek to do evil and never entertained wicked thoughts. As a husband remains pure for his bride, so Christ kept Himself pure from all evil. Finally, Jesus remained in His love. It did not ebb and flow on the tides of emotion or based upon the merits of people. He was constrained to remain faithful, righteous, just, gracious, merciful, forgiving, and true.
Scripture is clear that the life of a Christian should stand in stark contrast to those in the world who have not the Spirit of the Living God within them. If anyone should ask you why you forgive when wronged, it ought to be the love of Christ that constrains you. The love of Christ keeps us from seeking after sin. It is the love of Jesus that forces us to do what is right with His gentle still small voice, for we have been given all things according to His grace and mercy. Does God "force" us to do anything? No: but He constrains us. How could we with a clear conscience refuse to forgive when Christ has forgiven us? How can we withhold good from whom it is due when we have been unjustly saved by the sacrifice of God's only Son for us wretched sinners? If guilt or church peer-pressure constrains you, then perhaps you don't know Jesus at all as you should. We abide in Christ because of His love for us. It is Christ's love that constrains us. Do you know that kind of love? You can - only through Jesus!
He preached out of 2 Cor. 5:14 tonight: "For the love of Christ constraineth us; because we thus judge, that if one died for all, then were all dead..." Most of the message centered out of the word "constraineth," which has three meanings of equal relevance and strength: 1) to be forced to do something, 2) to be kept away from something, 3) and to be kept in something. Unlike words which predominately mean one thing, all three of these definitions apply with equality.
It is the love of Christ that constrains us to do good, for He has paid a debt for us that He did not owe and we could not pay. Now our lives are to be lived for Him, seeing as we will eternally owe Christ for what He has done for us. Because of Christ's love, He was constrained to obey His Father and go to the cross, willingly laying down His life for ours. His great love forced Him to do what willpower alone could not. Because of Christ's love He kept Himself from sin. He did not seek to do evil and never entertained wicked thoughts. As a husband remains pure for his bride, so Christ kept Himself pure from all evil. Finally, Jesus remained in His love. It did not ebb and flow on the tides of emotion or based upon the merits of people. He was constrained to remain faithful, righteous, just, gracious, merciful, forgiving, and true.
Scripture is clear that the life of a Christian should stand in stark contrast to those in the world who have not the Spirit of the Living God within them. If anyone should ask you why you forgive when wronged, it ought to be the love of Christ that constrains you. The love of Christ keeps us from seeking after sin. It is the love of Jesus that forces us to do what is right with His gentle still small voice, for we have been given all things according to His grace and mercy. Does God "force" us to do anything? No: but He constrains us. How could we with a clear conscience refuse to forgive when Christ has forgiven us? How can we withhold good from whom it is due when we have been unjustly saved by the sacrifice of God's only Son for us wretched sinners? If guilt or church peer-pressure constrains you, then perhaps you don't know Jesus at all as you should. We abide in Christ because of His love for us. It is Christ's love that constrains us. Do you know that kind of love? You can - only through Jesus!
11 December 2009
The First Noel
The old saying goes, "You learn something new every day." I suppose there is the potential that you could learn something new on a daily basis, but it is likely we learn many new things every day. Yesterday the song "The First Noel" was stuck in my head and I wondered: what does Noel mean? I looked it up and found out that "Noel" means "Christmas." Maybe you didn't know that either. Now there's one new thing you've learned today. Congradulations!
There's a part in the song which speaks about the wise men bringing gifts and says they "offered there in His presence their gold and myrrh and frankincense." A thought sprung to my mind as I sang: if I had gold, would I give it to Jesus? Would I travel far to give what is precious to me? Jesus never asked for gold. Seated now at the right hand of the Father Jesus has no physical needs or financial shortfalls. He says in His Word, "If you love me, keep my commandments." Jesus desires that all people would trust in Him and obey His Word. If we obey Him it is evidence that we love Him. It is written in 1 John 2:5: "But whoever keeps His word, truly the love of God is perfected in him. By this we know that we are in Him."
In a day when preaching of grace seems to trump obedience (though they are not in contrast or conflict with one another), let us not neglect to do good and give. We are justified by grace through faith, but this is not where the road of sanctification ends: it is the beginning of new life! It is by God's grace that we can be obedient to God's Word, having long been alienated from God by our sin. Now that we have been cleansed by the blood of Jesus we have peace with God and can follow Christ in obedience. We have been created by God unto good works, that people may see our good deeds and glorify our Father in heaven. We do not do good to receive recognition or accolades from men or even God, but joyfully out of the perfect love God has placed in our hearts.
May this Noel be a continuation of the First Noel. May we give ourselves fully to our Savior. It is not gold or precious spices that He desires: it is me and you and all who have been created in the image of God. Let us give ourselves, for there is nothing else only we can give.
There's a part in the song which speaks about the wise men bringing gifts and says they "offered there in His presence their gold and myrrh and frankincense." A thought sprung to my mind as I sang: if I had gold, would I give it to Jesus? Would I travel far to give what is precious to me? Jesus never asked for gold. Seated now at the right hand of the Father Jesus has no physical needs or financial shortfalls. He says in His Word, "If you love me, keep my commandments." Jesus desires that all people would trust in Him and obey His Word. If we obey Him it is evidence that we love Him. It is written in 1 John 2:5: "But whoever keeps His word, truly the love of God is perfected in him. By this we know that we are in Him."
In a day when preaching of grace seems to trump obedience (though they are not in contrast or conflict with one another), let us not neglect to do good and give. We are justified by grace through faith, but this is not where the road of sanctification ends: it is the beginning of new life! It is by God's grace that we can be obedient to God's Word, having long been alienated from God by our sin. Now that we have been cleansed by the blood of Jesus we have peace with God and can follow Christ in obedience. We have been created by God unto good works, that people may see our good deeds and glorify our Father in heaven. We do not do good to receive recognition or accolades from men or even God, but joyfully out of the perfect love God has placed in our hearts.
May this Noel be a continuation of the First Noel. May we give ourselves fully to our Savior. It is not gold or precious spices that He desires: it is me and you and all who have been created in the image of God. Let us give ourselves, for there is nothing else only we can give.
09 December 2009
The "Waiting Game" isn't a Game
This evening I was blessed to share with those in attendance at Calvary Chapel El Cajon about my recent trip to Australia. The hardest part was trying to compact two months to a manageable size and convey a little of the culture and spiritual make-up of Australia. Towards the end of sharing time I spoke about waiting for God to reveal the next step. For a lot of us, waiting is synonymous with inaction or boredom. If we are waiting in a grocery store line we feel hindered from our purpose of buying items. A line at Disneyland prevents us from enjoying the ride immediately. Whenever Laura and I would take the high school group to Six-Flags Magic Mountain, we would often come up with games to play to pass the time. Most of those games were more annoying than just standing silently for hours!
We often see waiting on the LORD at the same way: annoying and bothersome, our goals and plans remaining incomplete until God moves. This is not what God desires! Like in most instances, we have it all wrong. Waiting upon God does not mean doing nothing. God has given us talents He desires we invest for His glory right here, right now. I am convinced God has called me to Australia yet I do not have a visa to permanently reside there or work. That does not mean that I should be idle until that time! If my Savior should return and I have to settle my debts with Him, what could I say about burying my talent in the ground? My dad always says, "Make hay when the sun shines." When we have opportunity, we should fully use each opportunity for God's glory according to His will. Jesus said it this way in John 9:4: "I must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day; the night is coming when no one can work." Waiting isn't a game or an excuse for sloth. We are to be focused on our Savior as He leads the way. Who can say which day will be your last?
Waiting upon the LORD is a privilege. He graciously gives us wisdom, guidance, and strength for the day. Remember, the night is coming when no one can work - those are the words of Jesus. A day was coming when He would no longer walk the earth because of His bodily ascension into heaven. Jesus had a limited time of physical ministry on the earth (though we are empowered by Christ through the Holy Spirit) and the same goes for us. I knew that I had a limited amount of time in Australia because I had a round-trip ticket. We are all born into sin with a one way ticket to hell and we don't know the date or time it must be used. But when we are born again through faith in Christ, Jesus rips up that ticket to hell and grants us a ticket to heaven - again, we don't know the day or the hour when it will be required at our hands.
Whatever you do, do it heartily as unto the LORD. Let us be active in our reliance and waiting upon God. There can be no such thing as a bored Christian. It is not burdensome to wait for Him, for all He does is perfect in His time.
We often see waiting on the LORD at the same way: annoying and bothersome, our goals and plans remaining incomplete until God moves. This is not what God desires! Like in most instances, we have it all wrong. Waiting upon God does not mean doing nothing. God has given us talents He desires we invest for His glory right here, right now. I am convinced God has called me to Australia yet I do not have a visa to permanently reside there or work. That does not mean that I should be idle until that time! If my Savior should return and I have to settle my debts with Him, what could I say about burying my talent in the ground? My dad always says, "Make hay when the sun shines." When we have opportunity, we should fully use each opportunity for God's glory according to His will. Jesus said it this way in John 9:4: "I must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day; the night is coming when no one can work." Waiting isn't a game or an excuse for sloth. We are to be focused on our Savior as He leads the way. Who can say which day will be your last?
Waiting upon the LORD is a privilege. He graciously gives us wisdom, guidance, and strength for the day. Remember, the night is coming when no one can work - those are the words of Jesus. A day was coming when He would no longer walk the earth because of His bodily ascension into heaven. Jesus had a limited time of physical ministry on the earth (though we are empowered by Christ through the Holy Spirit) and the same goes for us. I knew that I had a limited amount of time in Australia because I had a round-trip ticket. We are all born into sin with a one way ticket to hell and we don't know the date or time it must be used. But when we are born again through faith in Christ, Jesus rips up that ticket to hell and grants us a ticket to heaven - again, we don't know the day or the hour when it will be required at our hands.
Whatever you do, do it heartily as unto the LORD. Let us be active in our reliance and waiting upon God. There can be no such thing as a bored Christian. It is not burdensome to wait for Him, for all He does is perfect in His time.
07 December 2009
Near Miss?
I do not believe there is such a thing as a near miss with God. From our vantage point things may appear to be close calls, but nothing sneaks past the God of heaven. Have you ever lost your grip on something breakable but caught it before it hit the ground? Perhaps your eyes grew big as you breathed a sight of relief, knowing that irreversible damage would have been done. God's grip never slips. Nothing outsmarts Him, overpowers Him, or catches Him off guard.
Southern California is in the middle of the first winter storm of the season. Rain has been falling lightly but steadily all day, and the wind has been blowing strong from the west. As we sat in the house, above the sound of raindrops there was a sudden crash that seemed to hit the house. Running to see what happened, to my surprise I saw my parent's 90 foot pine tree lying across the back yard. It had been uprooted by the strong winds, and crushed a wooden gate and wheelbarrow flat. The tree wrenched some of the handrail off the balcony and splintered wood on the corner. But that's not even bad news considering what could have happened. God's good whether He allows a tree to hit the house or miss the house completely, but we praised God for His grace and protection.
God allows the rain to fall on the just and unjust, and He allows trees to fall onto houses and next to them! "Absolutely amazing," my dad said with a wide grin. "To fall into an area that size, what a small window. Phenomenal!" We are counting our blessings and thank God for not only protecting the people, but the property. But was this a close call? I think not. That tree laid down exactly where it was supposed to.
In life we face greater disasters than falling trees or rainy weather. The wreckage caused by sin is greater than the heaps of twisted metal on Southern California freeways during a rain storm. Divorce, abuse, violence toward children born and unborn, drunkenness, addictions, hatred, pride, greed, and selfishness have done catastrophic damage. Precious people created in God's image are doomed to hell by their own rebellion and disobedience, ignorant of the price owed for their transgressions. Jesus died for the sins of the world that we might have life through faith in Him. All have sinned. We are not at risk, but await certain destruction apart from God, adding daily to our guilt.
But praise be to God, who has averted the disastrous end that certainly awaits all who have sinned through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. Death no longer looms over the heads of Christians because Christ has paid the penalty we owe. We need not try to cheat death or "thank our lucky stars" over near misses because we are free from fear, dread, destruction, and death.
I cannot say it better than Psalm 91:1-7: "He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. [2] I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress; my God, in Him I will trust." [3] Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the perilous pestilence. [4] He shall cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you shall take refuge; His truth shall be your shield and buckler. [5] You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, nor of the arrow that flies by day, [6] nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness, nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday. [7] A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it shall not come near you."
This is the heritage of the saints. God takes no chances with the souls entrusted to Him. Rejoice in your Redeemer and Savior!
Southern California is in the middle of the first winter storm of the season. Rain has been falling lightly but steadily all day, and the wind has been blowing strong from the west. As we sat in the house, above the sound of raindrops there was a sudden crash that seemed to hit the house. Running to see what happened, to my surprise I saw my parent's 90 foot pine tree lying across the back yard. It had been uprooted by the strong winds, and crushed a wooden gate and wheelbarrow flat. The tree wrenched some of the handrail off the balcony and splintered wood on the corner. But that's not even bad news considering what could have happened. God's good whether He allows a tree to hit the house or miss the house completely, but we praised God for His grace and protection.

But praise be to God, who has averted the disastrous end that certainly awaits all who have sinned through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. Death no longer looms over the heads of Christians because Christ has paid the penalty we owe. We need not try to cheat death or "thank our lucky stars" over near misses because we are free from fear, dread, destruction, and death.
I cannot say it better than Psalm 91:1-7: "He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. [2] I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress; my God, in Him I will trust." [3] Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the perilous pestilence. [4] He shall cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you shall take refuge; His truth shall be your shield and buckler. [5] You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, nor of the arrow that flies by day, [6] nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness, nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday. [7] A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it shall not come near you."
This is the heritage of the saints. God takes no chances with the souls entrusted to Him. Rejoice in your Redeemer and Savior!
06 December 2009
The Guidance of God
"...and consider that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation--as also our beloved brother Paul, according to the wisdom given to him, has written to you, [16] as also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to understand, which untaught and unstable people twist to their own destruction, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures. [17] You therefore, beloved, since you know this beforehand, beware lest you also fall from your own steadfastness, being led away with the error of the wicked; [18] but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory both now and forever. Amen."
2 Peter 3:15-18
During my morning reading, I came across this passage. It dovetailed beautifully into the second lesson I delivered this morning in the High School group at Calvary Chapel El Cajon. Peter was speaking concerning the second coming of Jesus Christ and how we ought to conduct ourselves while He tarries. At the end of the epistle Peter affirms the truth of what Paul had written in his letters, though some was difficult to understand. Some "untaught and unstable people" had twisted the scripture to their own destruction with the rest of inspired Biblical truth. We ought not to be caught up in this wicked practice which disgraces the name of Christ and leads many to death. Instead of being driven by every wind of doctrine, we are to rest firmly upon the foundation of Jesus Christ and be led by the Holy Spirit in our interpretation of the scripture.
My recent tour of fellowships throughout Australia revealed one major theme: instability. Of the churches I visited of different denominations that theme was repeated again and again. Instead of building upon the foundation of Jesus Christ, many are building upon the doctrines of men and demons. Being a Calvary Chapel ordianed pastor, I believe that Calvary presents well-rounded, solid Biblical doctrine translated into American culture. I would say that I am in agreement with the Calvary Distinctives. But I do not believe that the Calvary Distinctives are intended to be the model for church planting and leadership. Even one step away from the foundation of Christ and scripture is too far. Anything that threatens building upon the foundation of Christ must be avoided at all costs. Jesus is the Head of His body. He does not need superficial and paralyzed arms of human wisdom we would attach to His church.
There is no magic formula or pattern for the formation of God's church. It is God's work according to His perfect will! It would be better to throw out every book ever written (though many are good and helpful) if they deter us from THE Book, the Bible. Divinely inspired men write many books outside of the cannon of scripture, but they are not God's Word and ought not to be treated as holy ground. In today's lesson, we read about Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch in Acts chapter 8. When asked by Philip if he understood the words of Isaiah the eunuch wisely replied, "How can I unless someone guides me?" We cannot understand the words of scipture with our natural mind because God's word is spiritually discerned. The wisdom of God is foolishness to the natural man.
We Christians often find ourselves with a need for explanation and too often are willing to consult with an arm of flesh rather than the Author Himself. Jesus promised the Holy Spirit would come and guide us in all truth, as it is written in John 16:13: "However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come." If a child asks for food, his parent would not give him a poisonous snake or scorpion. Jesus said that if we, being evil, know how to give good gifts to our children, how much more will our Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him? (Luke 11:13)
The stability of any structure, including the church, is directly tied to the foundation. If the Calvary Distinctives are the foundation of your church, the church will be unhealthy and weak if it manages to survive at all. But if Jesus Christ is your Cornerstone, the gates of hell shall not prevail against you. Let us be as the Ethiopian eunuch who realized his need of help in understanding the scriptures and believed Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Instead of twisting the scripture, let us seek the understanding granted by God Himself. He is the One who not only prevents our destruction but allows us to serve and glorify Him on earth.
03 December 2009
A gift from God
Working at Calvary Chapel El Cajon changed my perspective concerning my paycheck. I had worked in construction for several insulation shops over nine years time and was always paid weekly. The primary difference was not that I was paid every two weeks (or fortnightly, as we would say in OZ) at Calvary, but the source of the income: tithes and offerings. Speaking for myself, when I worked for an hourly wage there was a sense I had worked to earn money. As a pastor, my salary was paid through God's provision through the obedience and generosity of His people. This caused me to be very careful with the way I spent money, realizing people had given that money towards God's work.
Now I have come full-circle back to being paid weekly in constuction, but my perspective has changed yet again. I had the most incredible sensation of thankfulness and indebtedness to God for His miraculous provision as I opened my paycheck for the first two days back in the trade. It struck me like never before that the paycheck I held in my hands was a gift from God. As such it must be used for His work and His purposes. A steward is responsible to take charge of what he has been given, for he must answer for how he has handled his master's resources. I don't think I'm saying anything you don't know. But it may be something you haven't realized. There's a difference!
When you hold a check in your hands, even if it is a "reimbursement," do you breathe out thanks to your Heavenly Father for that gift from Him? Are you determined to use it all for God's glory and His work? I am not saying every cent of your income should be used to support missionaries or church building projects. We have the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us. But do you recognize everything you possess is God's and He simply allows you to use it for a while? If we see our money as earnings or our "just due," perhaps we will feel more entitled to use it according to our whims and not God's will.
What a treasure we have in our God! He has given us life and everything we call our own. Have you thanked God today? He is the Giver who keeps on giving: not to the end that we would keep all for ourselves, but that we might be as generous as He is for His glory and praise.
Now I have come full-circle back to being paid weekly in constuction, but my perspective has changed yet again. I had the most incredible sensation of thankfulness and indebtedness to God for His miraculous provision as I opened my paycheck for the first two days back in the trade. It struck me like never before that the paycheck I held in my hands was a gift from God. As such it must be used for His work and His purposes. A steward is responsible to take charge of what he has been given, for he must answer for how he has handled his master's resources. I don't think I'm saying anything you don't know. But it may be something you haven't realized. There's a difference!
When you hold a check in your hands, even if it is a "reimbursement," do you breathe out thanks to your Heavenly Father for that gift from Him? Are you determined to use it all for God's glory and His work? I am not saying every cent of your income should be used to support missionaries or church building projects. We have the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us. But do you recognize everything you possess is God's and He simply allows you to use it for a while? If we see our money as earnings or our "just due," perhaps we will feel more entitled to use it according to our whims and not God's will.
What a treasure we have in our God! He has given us life and everything we call our own. Have you thanked God today? He is the Giver who keeps on giving: not to the end that we would keep all for ourselves, but that we might be as generous as He is for His glory and praise.
02 December 2009
Irrevocable Standard
While driving home from work today, sport radio stations were covering the Tiger Wood's adultery scandal from every angle. A talk-show host began thinking by talking (and I quote to the best of my recollection): "Who really is surprised by infidelity these days? Maybe we should rethink the whole idea of marriage as a society. Half of the marriages fail, so maybe we shouldn't teach our kids that you need to be married at a certain stage. Maybe marriage doesn't work. I dunno." I have learned that if I don't know, my mouth should stay shut. I am not surprised by infidelity. But to suggest that marriage should be "re-thought" as if the problem is the institution of marriage by God, that is where I firmly stand in opposition.
Consider the logic: because many marriages fail due to infidelity, we should do away with marriage. Because the standard of monogomous marriage is so often broken, as a society let us remove the standard. From a worldly perspective, perhaps this makes twisted sense. But as a follower of Jesus Christ who believes that no society or government can rethink or redefine the institution of marriage between one man and one woman as God has ordained, it is a foolish and ignorant view. This is the equivalent of saying, "Because Americans are lousy at geography, maybe we should rethink maps. Throw out all the maps, and then we won't have to know where anything is. Think of all the geography classes that would not be taught, saving taxpayers millions." We could burn every map in the world, but our actions do not change the alignment of continents and countries on the globe. No, we must maintain and promote the standards God has decreed. No matter what we think about God's precepts, they will stand and endure.
We live in a culture where standards are compromised because of feelings. Take a kid bowling and lanes are outfitted with bumpers so a child never has to feel the sting of disappointment from a gutter-ball. In tee-ball outs and run totals are not kept (mostly to keep the parents from taking it too seriously!) so no one feels bad because of losing. Where there is no loser there is no winner. Abolishing marriage is not a reasonable solution. Marriage is a good thing that has been tainted by imperfect people. No one is required to be married, and those who are married are not required to be divorced. Sin is the problem, not marriage. But we love to blame other people or even God to shirk the responsibility He will certainly hold us accountable for on the Day of Judgment. Using the talk-show host's logic, let's just rethink God and forget the Bible so we won't be held accountable. My friends, this "logic" may sound appealing until the horrible moment we are brought before the Almighty God, the Creator and Sustainer of all life, the Maker of all things. How will our betraying thoughts serve us then?
No scientist or person with a moderately functional brain can deny the order in the universe, from a single cell to the alignment of heavenly bodies. Where people differ is how it began, or Who is responsible. We trust that with ever beat of our heart, oxygenated blood will flow through all of our bodies and return to the heart with the next beat. God designed that. We recognize deformity in the human body because there is uniformity in human anatomy. God designed the heavens, and He who placed limits on the oceans designed marriage. We are flawed and cannot meet God's standard of perfection. Through Jesus, when we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive our sins. A broken heart can be healed, and a broken marriage can be restored. Only God can do these things.
God's laws are not in our power to change. No amount of us thinking changes reality. Jesus said, "Which of you by worrying can add 18 inches to your height?" By thinking I cannot enable my hair to change from brown to blonde! Everything that God has done is good. Let us walk according to His ways, for in doing so we will glorify Him.
Consider the logic: because many marriages fail due to infidelity, we should do away with marriage. Because the standard of monogomous marriage is so often broken, as a society let us remove the standard. From a worldly perspective, perhaps this makes twisted sense. But as a follower of Jesus Christ who believes that no society or government can rethink or redefine the institution of marriage between one man and one woman as God has ordained, it is a foolish and ignorant view. This is the equivalent of saying, "Because Americans are lousy at geography, maybe we should rethink maps. Throw out all the maps, and then we won't have to know where anything is. Think of all the geography classes that would not be taught, saving taxpayers millions." We could burn every map in the world, but our actions do not change the alignment of continents and countries on the globe. No, we must maintain and promote the standards God has decreed. No matter what we think about God's precepts, they will stand and endure.
We live in a culture where standards are compromised because of feelings. Take a kid bowling and lanes are outfitted with bumpers so a child never has to feel the sting of disappointment from a gutter-ball. In tee-ball outs and run totals are not kept (mostly to keep the parents from taking it too seriously!) so no one feels bad because of losing. Where there is no loser there is no winner. Abolishing marriage is not a reasonable solution. Marriage is a good thing that has been tainted by imperfect people. No one is required to be married, and those who are married are not required to be divorced. Sin is the problem, not marriage. But we love to blame other people or even God to shirk the responsibility He will certainly hold us accountable for on the Day of Judgment. Using the talk-show host's logic, let's just rethink God and forget the Bible so we won't be held accountable. My friends, this "logic" may sound appealing until the horrible moment we are brought before the Almighty God, the Creator and Sustainer of all life, the Maker of all things. How will our betraying thoughts serve us then?
No scientist or person with a moderately functional brain can deny the order in the universe, from a single cell to the alignment of heavenly bodies. Where people differ is how it began, or Who is responsible. We trust that with ever beat of our heart, oxygenated blood will flow through all of our bodies and return to the heart with the next beat. God designed that. We recognize deformity in the human body because there is uniformity in human anatomy. God designed the heavens, and He who placed limits on the oceans designed marriage. We are flawed and cannot meet God's standard of perfection. Through Jesus, when we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive our sins. A broken heart can be healed, and a broken marriage can be restored. Only God can do these things.
God's laws are not in our power to change. No amount of us thinking changes reality. Jesus said, "Which of you by worrying can add 18 inches to your height?" By thinking I cannot enable my hair to change from brown to blonde! Everything that God has done is good. Let us walk according to His ways, for in doing so we will glorify Him.
01 December 2009
Laying the Foundation
I've been reading a biography of Winston Churchill, an amazing man who understood the meaning of courage, duty, and adversity. He led Great Britain through World War II and is among the greatest Prime Ministers ever. When he was made Prime Minister of England, Winston Churchill said in his address to the House of Commons, "I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat." Churchill did not see himself as a great man, but a man who was destined by God to do great things. There have been few modern leaders more influential to a nation than Winston Churchill. We are short on true leaders these days. There are few who are willing to use their blood, toil, tears, and sweat for the good of others and the glory of God.
I'm enjoying working with my hands again. I wake up around 4:50am and brave the morning chill, arriving at my current job site at 6am. I've been wrapping duct the last couple of days, some off a 10' ladder and a scissor lift. The work itself is exactly as I remember it being, and in a way I feel like I never left. I hadn't wrapped a duct in over seven years! But as familiar as the trade is to me, there is something very different this time around. I am not simply working to provide for my family or advance in a company. I am a preacher/pastor, and now I am a preacher who insulates. I am insulating because God opened a door to work, and all this is working towards a working visa in Australia.
This is the desire that God has put in my heart: I offer my blood, toil, tears, and sweat for the glory of God in Australia. In the words of Paul, I will gladly spend and be spent for the Australian people (2 Cor. 12:15). I have not been invited by any to do this, but I have been called by God to do so. Every day I affirm my commitment as I toil and sweat covered in fiberglass and dust for a higher purpose than just to fill my belly with food and provide shelter for my family. The cuts on my hands and the soreness of my body is not for my own benefit, but for the glory of God.
After the LORD destroyed Jericho, Joshua 6:26 relates, "Then Joshua charged them at that time, saying, "Cursed be the man before the Lord who rises up and builds this city Jericho; he shall lay its foundation with his firstborn, and with his youngest he shall set up its gates." Many years later, a man named Hiel rebuilt Jericho. 1 Kings 16:34 says, "In his days Hiel of Bethel built Jericho. He laid its foundation with Abiram his firstborn, and with his youngest son Segub he set up its gates, according to the word of the Lord, which He had spoken through Joshua the son of Nun." Re-building Jericho came at a personal cost for Hiel, his oldest and youngest son. In my situation this would be a grave cost indeed!
My prayer is that God would be gracious to allow me the privilege of laying a foundation of solid Bible teaching and faithful longevity in ministry in Australia. No cost is too high in following Jesus Christ. I am not perfect in my pursuit of Christ, but I want to be better. How amazing that I could be a tool in the hand of The Master Craftsman, by whom all things have been created and sustained! I am not worthy that He would place His hand upon me for any profit. May Jesus Christ be glorified in Australia and to the ends of the earth! Lay the foundation of Christ in Australia, Father, and use me as your mortar, brick, or trowel!
I'm enjoying working with my hands again. I wake up around 4:50am and brave the morning chill, arriving at my current job site at 6am. I've been wrapping duct the last couple of days, some off a 10' ladder and a scissor lift. The work itself is exactly as I remember it being, and in a way I feel like I never left. I hadn't wrapped a duct in over seven years! But as familiar as the trade is to me, there is something very different this time around. I am not simply working to provide for my family or advance in a company. I am a preacher/pastor, and now I am a preacher who insulates. I am insulating because God opened a door to work, and all this is working towards a working visa in Australia.
This is the desire that God has put in my heart: I offer my blood, toil, tears, and sweat for the glory of God in Australia. In the words of Paul, I will gladly spend and be spent for the Australian people (2 Cor. 12:15). I have not been invited by any to do this, but I have been called by God to do so. Every day I affirm my commitment as I toil and sweat covered in fiberglass and dust for a higher purpose than just to fill my belly with food and provide shelter for my family. The cuts on my hands and the soreness of my body is not for my own benefit, but for the glory of God.
After the LORD destroyed Jericho, Joshua 6:26 relates, "Then Joshua charged them at that time, saying, "Cursed be the man before the Lord who rises up and builds this city Jericho; he shall lay its foundation with his firstborn, and with his youngest he shall set up its gates." Many years later, a man named Hiel rebuilt Jericho. 1 Kings 16:34 says, "In his days Hiel of Bethel built Jericho. He laid its foundation with Abiram his firstborn, and with his youngest son Segub he set up its gates, according to the word of the Lord, which He had spoken through Joshua the son of Nun." Re-building Jericho came at a personal cost for Hiel, his oldest and youngest son. In my situation this would be a grave cost indeed!
My prayer is that God would be gracious to allow me the privilege of laying a foundation of solid Bible teaching and faithful longevity in ministry in Australia. No cost is too high in following Jesus Christ. I am not perfect in my pursuit of Christ, but I want to be better. How amazing that I could be a tool in the hand of The Master Craftsman, by whom all things have been created and sustained! I am not worthy that He would place His hand upon me for any profit. May Jesus Christ be glorified in Australia and to the ends of the earth! Lay the foundation of Christ in Australia, Father, and use me as your mortar, brick, or trowel!
29 November 2009
Nothing to Prove
Have you felt like you could do nothing right? No matter how hard you tried to prove yourself to someone, no matter your sacrifice, effort, or success, it was never enough? Many people carry the burden of trying to please their parents into their adulthood, feeling like they were never able to satisfy their parent's expectations. An ache of bitterness and unworthiness remains in the heart with a deep unsatisfied longing for acceptance and love. This is the tragic end of too many father/son relationships.
This is the emotional and relational baggage many carry into their relationship with God. Perhaps this fuels the need to constantly "prove" ourselves to God so we may experience the love and acceptance we have always craved. At church this morning, we read the story in Luke 17 of the ten lepers who were made well and the Samaritan who returned, praising and glorifying God. The thanksgiving and humble thanks of the ex-leper were visible evidence of his faith in God. Jesus sent him away in peace saying, "Your faith has saved you."
The Samaritan man who was healed did not have to "do" anything to "prove" himself to Jesus because Jesus already knew him. We do not need to "prove" ourselves to God by anything that we do, for the Bible is clear that all have sinned and fallen short of God's glory. But how often do we point to external acts when it is faith that Christ seeks? If we have faith, won't thanksgiving, praise, and God's glory be what we are about all the time? We have only proven we are sinners, through and through. It is not by works of righteousness that we have done, but according to His mercy we have been saved. What a relief that God's view of us is not dependent upon our works!
This goes back to the most fundamental basics: God has made us. He knows us. He placed every strand of DNA in every cell in our bodies, aligned our chromosomes how He saw fit, knit every bone, tendon, muscle, and arranged every organ in its place. He knows me and he knows you. He does not have "unrealistic" expectations of us that we have not lived up to: we are most precious to Him even in our fallen state. A human born into sin will sin. But God, who has chosen to have all His creation give Him glory, is pleased when a single sinner repents and turns to Him in faith. God's thoughts toward us are good, not evil. He is not the ever unsatisfied and aloof father whom we can never prove ourselves to. We don't need to prove ourselves: we must give ourselves. And considering what we know of ourselves, we don't deserve that kind of acceptance, love, and grace.
This is the emotional and relational baggage many carry into their relationship with God. Perhaps this fuels the need to constantly "prove" ourselves to God so we may experience the love and acceptance we have always craved. At church this morning, we read the story in Luke 17 of the ten lepers who were made well and the Samaritan who returned, praising and glorifying God. The thanksgiving and humble thanks of the ex-leper were visible evidence of his faith in God. Jesus sent him away in peace saying, "Your faith has saved you."
The Samaritan man who was healed did not have to "do" anything to "prove" himself to Jesus because Jesus already knew him. We do not need to "prove" ourselves to God by anything that we do, for the Bible is clear that all have sinned and fallen short of God's glory. But how often do we point to external acts when it is faith that Christ seeks? If we have faith, won't thanksgiving, praise, and God's glory be what we are about all the time? We have only proven we are sinners, through and through. It is not by works of righteousness that we have done, but according to His mercy we have been saved. What a relief that God's view of us is not dependent upon our works!
This goes back to the most fundamental basics: God has made us. He knows us. He placed every strand of DNA in every cell in our bodies, aligned our chromosomes how He saw fit, knit every bone, tendon, muscle, and arranged every organ in its place. He knows me and he knows you. He does not have "unrealistic" expectations of us that we have not lived up to: we are most precious to Him even in our fallen state. A human born into sin will sin. But God, who has chosen to have all His creation give Him glory, is pleased when a single sinner repents and turns to Him in faith. God's thoughts toward us are good, not evil. He is not the ever unsatisfied and aloof father whom we can never prove ourselves to. We don't need to prove ourselves: we must give ourselves. And considering what we know of ourselves, we don't deserve that kind of acceptance, love, and grace.
25 November 2009
The Power of Being Wanted
There's something about being wanted that attracts attention. During World War I and II, this was a poster used to recruit young American patriots to serve their country in the U.S. armed forces. Uncle Sam looked everyone who saw this poster dead in the face with outstretched finger, saying "You! I want you!" It doesn't matter whether you see this picture from straight on or from the side: if you can see Uncle Sam, he's looking right at you.
Now we know that there are certain things which will keep someone from serving in the military: asthma, blindness, paralysis, disease, or lack of motivation. The intention behind the sign is to motivate and encourage. Allow yourself for a moment to be a 19 year old man in a little town with big dreams. The sight of this sign send a spark of hope in his heart: could it be true? I can serve my country in the army? The government wants me to help? If Uncle Sam said, "I need you" then there would be obligation and perhaps guilt, but Uncle Sam WANTS me, a nobody! I'm in!
How wonderful it is to be wanted! I was recently offered and accepted a job at Farwest Insulation, a Local 5 contractor. Not only was the timing great, but the people have been so encouraging and accommodating. It was almost like a dream to be at work in a trade I love, having been offered a job at a shop I've never worked at after over four years being off the tools. In talking to my superintendent, I was told that good help is at a premium and they were very happy to have me. Now that tells me two things: the company believes I am a good worker, and I was offered the job because I am wanted. I don't know about you, but this made me feel pretty, really good. It's good to be wanted.
If I can feel good because there is a construction company that wants me to work for them and treats me great, how much better should Christians feel because of our Father who wants us! God does not need us, but He wants us! His great desire is that we would love Him as He has revealed His love for us. God has granted us life and every imaginable blessing that we have. Are you good at something? It is because God has given you the ability. Do you love certain activities, foods, or people? God is to thank for that love and desire in your heart. People are content with one, three, five, sometimes ten children, but not God. He's not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance so He might save them, bless them, and dwell with them forever!
Thank God that He wants you! In this season of celebrating Thanksgiving in the U.S., may we remember that thanksgiving to God is not seasonal. He wants us and rejoices in each one of us individually. We aren't just a number "reporting for duty," but someone who God knows personally, intimately, and fully. Praise God that He wants us! Remember to thank Him today!
Now we know that there are certain things which will keep someone from serving in the military: asthma, blindness, paralysis, disease, or lack of motivation. The intention behind the sign is to motivate and encourage. Allow yourself for a moment to be a 19 year old man in a little town with big dreams. The sight of this sign send a spark of hope in his heart: could it be true? I can serve my country in the army? The government wants me to help? If Uncle Sam said, "I need you" then there would be obligation and perhaps guilt, but Uncle Sam WANTS me, a nobody! I'm in!
How wonderful it is to be wanted! I was recently offered and accepted a job at Farwest Insulation, a Local 5 contractor. Not only was the timing great, but the people have been so encouraging and accommodating. It was almost like a dream to be at work in a trade I love, having been offered a job at a shop I've never worked at after over four years being off the tools. In talking to my superintendent, I was told that good help is at a premium and they were very happy to have me. Now that tells me two things: the company believes I am a good worker, and I was offered the job because I am wanted. I don't know about you, but this made me feel pretty, really good. It's good to be wanted.
If I can feel good because there is a construction company that wants me to work for them and treats me great, how much better should Christians feel because of our Father who wants us! God does not need us, but He wants us! His great desire is that we would love Him as He has revealed His love for us. God has granted us life and every imaginable blessing that we have. Are you good at something? It is because God has given you the ability. Do you love certain activities, foods, or people? God is to thank for that love and desire in your heart. People are content with one, three, five, sometimes ten children, but not God. He's not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance so He might save them, bless them, and dwell with them forever!
Thank God that He wants you! In this season of celebrating Thanksgiving in the U.S., may we remember that thanksgiving to God is not seasonal. He wants us and rejoices in each one of us individually. We aren't just a number "reporting for duty," but someone who God knows personally, intimately, and fully. Praise God that He wants us! Remember to thank Him today!
23 November 2009
Status Update!
Throughout my recent trip to Australia my mind wandered to what I might do when I arrived back in the United States. I knew for certain that the chapter at my life on staff at Calvary Chapel El Cajon was finished. If you're in the middle of a great book, there's no turning back to "re-live" a chapter you were particularly fond of. The enjoyment of the finished chapter urges you to anticipate the next. That is how it has been for me. The time I spent at Calvary was the greatest chapter of my life, but that chapter is closed. Now I am looking forward to the next chapter but I'm not capable or allowed to skim to the end. Page by page the story unfolds, and every page more interesting with unexpected twists and turns.
The moment came last Thursday (11/19) when I stepped onto the tarmac of the commuter terminal in San Diego. That surreal moment was 60 days in the making as I toured and preached in churches and houses throughout Australia: Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney, and Canberra. But it wasn't just a preaching trip: it was a learning, growing, connecting with people trip. It was a great opportunity to have a real taste of Aussie culture and process through a wilderness experience with God alone, who guided and sustained me. At the moment my feet hit the pavement, I had no idea what I would be doing on Tuesday (11/24).
The day I arrived home (Thursday), I spoke to my brother Mat about work. During my trip it was affirmed constantly the best way to enter the country would be through a permanent working visa through my trade, mechanical insulation. I chose not to pursue this potential while in OZ because I believe God did not desire that I run around seeking sponsorship at that time, for He had prepared places for me to preach, minister, and help. I asked God to open the doors He wanted me to walk through. He has certainly done that! The following day (Friday) my brother called me and offered me a job with the company he works for, Far West Insulation. Believe it or not, Sunday I talked to the superintendent at church and he said it's a go. I called the union today, was placed on the out of work list, and tomorrow I go in for work!
Within five days of arriving home, I have a full-time journeyman level job in a trade that will be a great asset to me in securing a visa to Australia. It is truly nothing short of miraculous. Trades tend to slow down during the Christmas holiday season, yet I have an opportunity in a tough economic period to support my family and save money for our family to be established in Australia. I praise God for His provision and I can say that it is really the story of my life. What do I have that God has not graciously provided? He has given me hands to labor, and a mouth to witness of His greatness. Let us use all our assets and all the time He has allotted to glorify Him.
When God closes a chapter of your life, look forward to God's future. Don't attempt to recreate the past or dwell on past success or failure. Look to Jesus, for He will always lead us according to the Father's perfect will. It is our God who works in us both to will and do His good pleasure. God has done miracles in my life, and to the common eye they seem natural. Through eyes of faith, however, His supernatural hand is seen! May we sing with those who stand in victory as written in Rev. 15:3: "They sing the song of Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying: "Great and marvelous are Your works, Lord God Almighty! Just and true are Your ways, O King of the saints!" As God is our Provider, may we provide Him abundant praise for the marvelous things He has done!
The moment came last Thursday (11/19) when I stepped onto the tarmac of the commuter terminal in San Diego. That surreal moment was 60 days in the making as I toured and preached in churches and houses throughout Australia: Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney, and Canberra. But it wasn't just a preaching trip: it was a learning, growing, connecting with people trip. It was a great opportunity to have a real taste of Aussie culture and process through a wilderness experience with God alone, who guided and sustained me. At the moment my feet hit the pavement, I had no idea what I would be doing on Tuesday (11/24).
The day I arrived home (Thursday), I spoke to my brother Mat about work. During my trip it was affirmed constantly the best way to enter the country would be through a permanent working visa through my trade, mechanical insulation. I chose not to pursue this potential while in OZ because I believe God did not desire that I run around seeking sponsorship at that time, for He had prepared places for me to preach, minister, and help. I asked God to open the doors He wanted me to walk through. He has certainly done that! The following day (Friday) my brother called me and offered me a job with the company he works for, Far West Insulation. Believe it or not, Sunday I talked to the superintendent at church and he said it's a go. I called the union today, was placed on the out of work list, and tomorrow I go in for work!
Within five days of arriving home, I have a full-time journeyman level job in a trade that will be a great asset to me in securing a visa to Australia. It is truly nothing short of miraculous. Trades tend to slow down during the Christmas holiday season, yet I have an opportunity in a tough economic period to support my family and save money for our family to be established in Australia. I praise God for His provision and I can say that it is really the story of my life. What do I have that God has not graciously provided? He has given me hands to labor, and a mouth to witness of His greatness. Let us use all our assets and all the time He has allotted to glorify Him.
When God closes a chapter of your life, look forward to God's future. Don't attempt to recreate the past or dwell on past success or failure. Look to Jesus, for He will always lead us according to the Father's perfect will. It is our God who works in us both to will and do His good pleasure. God has done miracles in my life, and to the common eye they seem natural. Through eyes of faith, however, His supernatural hand is seen! May we sing with those who stand in victory as written in Rev. 15:3: "They sing the song of Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying: "Great and marvelous are Your works, Lord God Almighty! Just and true are Your ways, O King of the saints!" As God is our Provider, may we provide Him abundant praise for the marvelous things He has done!
22 November 2009
Unfathomable wisdom of God!
I came across an interesting verse during our family's Bible reading after dinner. It's a verse that has struck me before, but I couldn't escape it even as I went to bed. Let me give a little background: Jeroboam was king of Israel and had led the people into idolatry. He had a child named Abijah (meaning father, i.e. worshiper of God) who became sick. Jeroboam asked his wife to disguise herself and visit the prophet of God named Ahijah (meaning brother, i.e. worshiper of God). God spoke to Ahijah who was blind and told him that the wife of Jeroboam would come in disguise. Interesting, isn't it, that the one who was blind would be so spiritually perceptive?
Ahijah pronounced a stern judgment against Jeroboam and all his descendants since he had done more evil than all the kings before him through his idolatry and casting God behind his back. Concerning the child Abijah, the prophet said these words to Jereboam's wife: "Arise therefore, go to your own house. When your feet enter the city, the child shall die. [13] And all Israel shall mourn for him and bury him, for he is the only one of Jeroboam who shall come to the grave, because in him there is found something good toward the Lord God of Israel in the house of Jeroboam." (1 Kings 14:12-13) The Hebrew word "child" used here is used for the range of age from infancy to adolescence. This is a stunning passage for those who think they have the ways of God figured out. Here was a lad in whom was something good towards the Lord God from the house of Jeroboam, but God would permit his death.
Some might trip up over this passage, saying that it would be unfair for God to allow the child to die seeing as there was some good towards God in Him. Jeroboam had placed his family under a curse for his gross sin, and the most righteous of his family would perish as a result. All Israel would mourn the lad, for his heart had a loyalty towards God. He did not perish for his father's sin, but as the result of sin entering into the world through Adam. Sin separated man from God, and the wages of sin is death. Because of Adam's sin in the Garden of Eden, sin has passed to all men (Romans 5:12). As a consequence of Jeroboam's wickedness, his house was cursed like many after Adam: the house of Eli (1 Samuel 3:12-14), Joab (2 Samuel 3:29), Ahab (1 Kings 21:21-24), and Gehazi (2 Kings 5:27). Adam doomed not just his household to a curse, but all humanity after him. The first thing this teaches me is a single action can have extreme consequences not just for me, but for my children as well.
The second thing this passage teaches me is God's wisdom is better than man's wisdom. We would spare the righteous son out of pity. Yet God in His mercy, allowed His own Son Jesus Christ become a sacrifice for all people that we might be saved from the curse of sin and death brought into the world through Adam's sin. Can you fathom what it cost God to allow His only begotten Son to perish at the hand of sinful flesh for sinful flesh? What pain and suffering God endured as Jesus Christ was torn apart by the whip, battered with fists, and pierced being the perfect Lamb of God, without blemish or spot? It is a horrible thing to lose a son who has faults: how unthinkable to lay down the life of the One whose heart was only good towards God, being God incarnate? God does not deliver man from sin because of pity, but out of his mercy, love, and justice: 1 John 1:9 says, "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
The sacrifice of Jesus Christ satisfied God's justice while His love was gratified as John 3:16 teaches us: "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." God is willing to sacrifice the good so the wicked might repent and live. God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. Jesus did not remain in the grave, but rose again on the third day and remain alive to this day! Abijah perished because sin had entered the world, even though there was good in him towards God. All men who walk the earth physically perish, some earlier than others. But God has made a way for us to obtain eternal life through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ, so we might glorify God on earth and live with Him forever. Jesus says in John 11:25-26, "...I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. [26] And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?"
Now there is a question! It is not how you answer with your mouth that determines your eternal destiny. Anyone can mouth the words, "I believe." When God looks inside your heart, does He see something good in you toward Him? Paul says in Romans 7:18: "For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh) nothing good dwells; for to will is present with me, but how to perform what is good I do not find." My friends, there is nothing good in any of us. Philip. 2:13 says, "...for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure." The only way that God can find good in a human being is if His Holy Spirit has regenerated our hearts through faith in Jesus Christ! No amount of positive thinking or good deeds can cleanse us from sin. There is none good but God, and He is able to transform us from sinners to saints through His grace and mercy. Let us stop looking to ourselves, but look unto Jesus and be saved!
Ahijah pronounced a stern judgment against Jeroboam and all his descendants since he had done more evil than all the kings before him through his idolatry and casting God behind his back. Concerning the child Abijah, the prophet said these words to Jereboam's wife: "Arise therefore, go to your own house. When your feet enter the city, the child shall die. [13] And all Israel shall mourn for him and bury him, for he is the only one of Jeroboam who shall come to the grave, because in him there is found something good toward the Lord God of Israel in the house of Jeroboam." (1 Kings 14:12-13) The Hebrew word "child" used here is used for the range of age from infancy to adolescence. This is a stunning passage for those who think they have the ways of God figured out. Here was a lad in whom was something good towards the Lord God from the house of Jeroboam, but God would permit his death.
Some might trip up over this passage, saying that it would be unfair for God to allow the child to die seeing as there was some good towards God in Him. Jeroboam had placed his family under a curse for his gross sin, and the most righteous of his family would perish as a result. All Israel would mourn the lad, for his heart had a loyalty towards God. He did not perish for his father's sin, but as the result of sin entering into the world through Adam. Sin separated man from God, and the wages of sin is death. Because of Adam's sin in the Garden of Eden, sin has passed to all men (Romans 5:12). As a consequence of Jeroboam's wickedness, his house was cursed like many after Adam: the house of Eli (1 Samuel 3:12-14), Joab (2 Samuel 3:29), Ahab (1 Kings 21:21-24), and Gehazi (2 Kings 5:27). Adam doomed not just his household to a curse, but all humanity after him. The first thing this teaches me is a single action can have extreme consequences not just for me, but for my children as well.
The second thing this passage teaches me is God's wisdom is better than man's wisdom. We would spare the righteous son out of pity. Yet God in His mercy, allowed His own Son Jesus Christ become a sacrifice for all people that we might be saved from the curse of sin and death brought into the world through Adam's sin. Can you fathom what it cost God to allow His only begotten Son to perish at the hand of sinful flesh for sinful flesh? What pain and suffering God endured as Jesus Christ was torn apart by the whip, battered with fists, and pierced being the perfect Lamb of God, without blemish or spot? It is a horrible thing to lose a son who has faults: how unthinkable to lay down the life of the One whose heart was only good towards God, being God incarnate? God does not deliver man from sin because of pity, but out of his mercy, love, and justice: 1 John 1:9 says, "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
The sacrifice of Jesus Christ satisfied God's justice while His love was gratified as John 3:16 teaches us: "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." God is willing to sacrifice the good so the wicked might repent and live. God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. Jesus did not remain in the grave, but rose again on the third day and remain alive to this day! Abijah perished because sin had entered the world, even though there was good in him towards God. All men who walk the earth physically perish, some earlier than others. But God has made a way for us to obtain eternal life through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ, so we might glorify God on earth and live with Him forever. Jesus says in John 11:25-26, "...I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. [26] And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?"
Now there is a question! It is not how you answer with your mouth that determines your eternal destiny. Anyone can mouth the words, "I believe." When God looks inside your heart, does He see something good in you toward Him? Paul says in Romans 7:18: "For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh) nothing good dwells; for to will is present with me, but how to perform what is good I do not find." My friends, there is nothing good in any of us. Philip. 2:13 says, "...for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure." The only way that God can find good in a human being is if His Holy Spirit has regenerated our hearts through faith in Jesus Christ! No amount of positive thinking or good deeds can cleanse us from sin. There is none good but God, and He is able to transform us from sinners to saints through His grace and mercy. Let us stop looking to ourselves, but look unto Jesus and be saved!
21 November 2009
Evidence of Life
I am the first of three children born to my parents. My mom told me how horrified she was when a group of medical students walked by when she was giving birth and someone yelled out, "Look, she's crowning!" and they looked in with their clipboards in hand. I can't remember if it was me or one of my siblings, but my mom was very annoyed at one of the nurses because right after birth the nurse strongly flicked the newborn's feet with her fingers to make the baby cry. Strong crying ensures that the lungs are clear of fluid and that life-supporting oxygen is reaching the brain. Although crying is not desirable in a baby at 2am, it is almost a comforting sound to a mother and father to know, "He's breathing. He's alive." How devastating is silence at birth!
I know many people close to me who have suffered miscarriages or given birth to stillborn children. How horribly painful and depressing to have a baby forming in the womb with all the excitement and potential of new life, and the first breath of oxygen is never drawn. That is pain enough to break the heart, and depress the soul in sadness. As terrible as it is to give birth to a stillborn child, there is a spiritual parallel. James says in James 2:26, "For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also." As a body without breath is lifeless, so faith without works is dead. When we are born again of the Holy Spirit, God gives our souls dead in sins new life. God removes our heart of stone and gives us a heart of flesh. A stillborn child is no more alive than a stone, but those who place their faith in Jesus Christ and are cleansed with His blood and rejoice in abundant life.
Like a baby arrives crying into the world, no one comes to Christ until they have cried out to Him! Thomas Watson says: "Are there pangs before the birth? So before Christ is born in the heart, there are spiritual pangs; pangs of conscience, and deep convictions. "The were pricked at their heart." (Acts 2:37) I grant in the new birth all have not the same pangs of sorrow and humiliation, yet all have pangs. If Christ be born in thy heart, thou hast been deeply afflicted for sin. Christ is never born in the heart without pangs. Many thank God they never had any trouble of spirit, they were always quiet; a sign Christ is not yet formed in them." (A Body of Divinity, pg. 199) We are not called to make others cry through violence, but to make sure we have had those violent cries. We tend to focus on the pain the mom must endure in childbirth because of the intense severity, but consider how child is squeezed and forced into the world with intense pressure. Spiritual birth is no easier than physical birth, but is as fundamentally simple.
There is more to life than just breathing, however: there is also eating and drinking. When a baby is first born, one of the first things the nurse will do is put the baby to the breast of the mother. When a person is born again by the Holy Spirit, he will crave and desire the Word of God. Watson writes, "The word is like breast-milk, pure, sweet, nourishing; and the soul in which Christ is formed desires this breast-milk. Bernard, in one of his soliloquies, comforts himself with this, that he surely had the new birth in him, because he found in his heart such strong breathings and thirstings after God. After Christ is born in the heart, there is a violent motion: there is a striving to enter in at the strait gate, and offering violence to the kingdom of heaven. (Matt. 11:12) By this we may know Christ is formed in us" (A Body of Divinity, pg. 200). As a midwife looks to the breathing, cries, and appetite of a baby as evidence of good health, so there are physical indicators that enable us to consider our spiritual life and health. Do you desire the pure milk of the word? Do you desire to please your heavenly Father, as Jesus did? Are there works coupled with the faith you profess? Let this be a personal examination that we might cry out to God that His work would be performed in us.
Too much church activity is like hooking up a ventilator to a stillborn child. There are people in church fellowships throughout the world that have the appearance of a new birth, but are not truly born again. Life-support only works when there is life to support! If there is no life in the members, church activity is simply warming a corpse, like when Elisha laid upon the Shunamite's son and breathed into him in 2 Kings 4. It is God who gives life. It is only God who can bring a child into the world with violent cries, and it is only by His grace and mercy that we can be born again through faith in Christ. Even a living child can become ill. How has your appetite been lately? A bad appetite in adults can be the sign of ill health. If a person notices their dog hasn't eaten a bite of food in two days there would be cause for concern: what of yourself and your children? When God has given us fresh manna in His Word day by day we are fools if we do not gather of it. And when you have gathered, may you partake of it as you have of the Bread of Life, Jesus Christ.
Do you find in your heart "strong breathings and thirstings after God?" Faith without works is dead. A body is full of inner workings: respiration, pumping of blood, perspiration, digestion, brain activity, and muscles pumping, organs working according to design. A fully-functional body and mind has been created to do, not to sit around and do nothing. Because God has done an inner work in us, let us do outer works that please Him. It is in our God we find satisfaction, and we have been made alive that we might live unto Him for His glory.
I know many people close to me who have suffered miscarriages or given birth to stillborn children. How horribly painful and depressing to have a baby forming in the womb with all the excitement and potential of new life, and the first breath of oxygen is never drawn. That is pain enough to break the heart, and depress the soul in sadness. As terrible as it is to give birth to a stillborn child, there is a spiritual parallel. James says in James 2:26, "For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also." As a body without breath is lifeless, so faith without works is dead. When we are born again of the Holy Spirit, God gives our souls dead in sins new life. God removes our heart of stone and gives us a heart of flesh. A stillborn child is no more alive than a stone, but those who place their faith in Jesus Christ and are cleansed with His blood and rejoice in abundant life.
Like a baby arrives crying into the world, no one comes to Christ until they have cried out to Him! Thomas Watson says: "Are there pangs before the birth? So before Christ is born in the heart, there are spiritual pangs; pangs of conscience, and deep convictions. "The were pricked at their heart." (Acts 2:37) I grant in the new birth all have not the same pangs of sorrow and humiliation, yet all have pangs. If Christ be born in thy heart, thou hast been deeply afflicted for sin. Christ is never born in the heart without pangs. Many thank God they never had any trouble of spirit, they were always quiet; a sign Christ is not yet formed in them." (A Body of Divinity, pg. 199) We are not called to make others cry through violence, but to make sure we have had those violent cries. We tend to focus on the pain the mom must endure in childbirth because of the intense severity, but consider how child is squeezed and forced into the world with intense pressure. Spiritual birth is no easier than physical birth, but is as fundamentally simple.
There is more to life than just breathing, however: there is also eating and drinking. When a baby is first born, one of the first things the nurse will do is put the baby to the breast of the mother. When a person is born again by the Holy Spirit, he will crave and desire the Word of God. Watson writes, "The word is like breast-milk, pure, sweet, nourishing; and the soul in which Christ is formed desires this breast-milk. Bernard, in one of his soliloquies, comforts himself with this, that he surely had the new birth in him, because he found in his heart such strong breathings and thirstings after God. After Christ is born in the heart, there is a violent motion: there is a striving to enter in at the strait gate, and offering violence to the kingdom of heaven. (Matt. 11:12) By this we may know Christ is formed in us" (A Body of Divinity, pg. 200). As a midwife looks to the breathing, cries, and appetite of a baby as evidence of good health, so there are physical indicators that enable us to consider our spiritual life and health. Do you desire the pure milk of the word? Do you desire to please your heavenly Father, as Jesus did? Are there works coupled with the faith you profess? Let this be a personal examination that we might cry out to God that His work would be performed in us.
Too much church activity is like hooking up a ventilator to a stillborn child. There are people in church fellowships throughout the world that have the appearance of a new birth, but are not truly born again. Life-support only works when there is life to support! If there is no life in the members, church activity is simply warming a corpse, like when Elisha laid upon the Shunamite's son and breathed into him in 2 Kings 4. It is God who gives life. It is only God who can bring a child into the world with violent cries, and it is only by His grace and mercy that we can be born again through faith in Christ. Even a living child can become ill. How has your appetite been lately? A bad appetite in adults can be the sign of ill health. If a person notices their dog hasn't eaten a bite of food in two days there would be cause for concern: what of yourself and your children? When God has given us fresh manna in His Word day by day we are fools if we do not gather of it. And when you have gathered, may you partake of it as you have of the Bread of Life, Jesus Christ.
Do you find in your heart "strong breathings and thirstings after God?" Faith without works is dead. A body is full of inner workings: respiration, pumping of blood, perspiration, digestion, brain activity, and muscles pumping, organs working according to design. A fully-functional body and mind has been created to do, not to sit around and do nothing. Because God has done an inner work in us, let us do outer works that please Him. It is in our God we find satisfaction, and we have been made alive that we might live unto Him for His glory.
20 November 2009
AUS and USA differences
One of the most common questions I am asked about Australia is, "What are the biggest differences between Australia and the States?" This is a difficult question to answer because everything is very similar yet everything is a little different. A common misconception is that people assume that Australia is the same as the United States because they speak English. People also believe that Australia is a Christian nation because America is. These are both false assumptions and the longer you live in Australia the more clear this becomes. But because inquiring minds want to know, here are my top five differences between the States and Australia in no particular order:
- Australian people have an insatiable appetite for American news, especially politics. When I met new people, one of the first things people would ask is about President Obama or health care reform. Australians care more about American politics than most Americans by far! Australian newspapers and newscasts are completely saturated with American news. The "balloon boy" hoax, swine flu, the Fort Hood shootings, even obesity in America is captivating and intruiging to Aussies. I spoke to a gentleman who travelled to Chicago around 2001 and experienced what he thought was poor reporting. To receive the news coverage of America he was accustomed used the internet to access Australian news channels to get American news! We don't hear much about Australia, save natural disasters like wildfires that have been raging for weeks before we hear about them. And if there is one in a million in America that knows Kevin Rudd is the prime minister of Australia or any of his recent policies, that would surprise me.
- Buying anything in Australia is expensive. When I arrived back in the United States, I felt like an American going to Mexico for cheaper prices! All electronics are at least twice as costly in Australia as in the States. A new video game for the Wii is $110 plus tax, and CD's are around $25. A Snickers bar at Cole's or Woolies is $1.75. Tools are at least two to three times the cost and the quality is far inferior to American tools. Some American brands like Channelock and Rigid are availble but at a inflated cost. A gallon of Zinser primer which costs $15.99 at Home Depot runs $88 at Bunnings (Australia's "do it yourself" style store). Two polo shirts in the mall I saw on special for $79, and Old Spice aftershave costs $19.99. And then there's added cost to drive on the motorway (freeway) with automated tolls as you drive under them, costing around $2.50 a beep. It is not uncommon on a trip covering 20 kilometers to have at least $15 in tolls that will automatically be deducted from an account. Buying a car? Let's not even get into that! And mobile phone plans? Downright criminal.
- Christian religious education is compulsory even in public schools from grade 8 and down, and is optional in college (grades 9 - 12). Volunteers are allowed to go into public schools and teach the Bible with curriculum provided by the state which is actually quite good. I spoke to two people on planes who were not believers but thought it invaluable their children be taught the Bible so they could make an educated decision on what to believe. There is ignorance but also a openness to solid Bible teaching. Even unbelievers believe that there is some truth contained within that pages of scripture, and after a brief explanation are convinced that there might be more to the Bible than previously thought! Despite the religious classes, there is not the Biblical foundation that we have in America in churches. The vast majority of people do not know the scriptures, and they are unlikely to be exposed to the Bible in most churches because of the topical, subjective style "studies" that are held forth as sermons. Pray that real Christian volunteers with a passion for God's Word and anointed to teach are in these classes!
- Everyone from grade 12 and below wear school uniforms, complete with hat. It reminded me of school children in England when I would drive during the mornings when kids walked to school. Every school has their uniform: boys wearing suits or jumpers with girls wearing skirts and sweaters (jumpers). It is a law that all kids outside while at school or participating in sport wear a hat. Most of these hats are round wide-brimmed for girls and boys resemble old-school painter's hats with a piece of fabric hanging from the back. Unlike the States where uniforms are not the norm, the exact opposite is true in Australia.
- Australians see themselves in relation to the world and relish their country. As I watched television adverts or listened to the news, I began to hear something said over and over again: "in the world." For instance, I read that Brisbane had the largest gathering for Buddah's birthday in the world. Brisbane also boasts the hottest (spiciest) hamburger in the world. Every day I would hear things like, "Australia has the most cases of skin cancer in the world," "Australia has the largest underwater forests in the world," "Australia has taken the title of the most obese country in the world from America," "Koalas are unique in the world only to Australia," and even "Australia has the best bees in the world!" When I went to a house, I said "Australia has 5 of the top 10 most venomous snakes in the world!" A young bloke said with enthusiasm, "Yeah, and they are the top 5 of the top 10 as well!" This is not true according to my study of the subject, but you understand my point. In America, we often don't compare ourselves with "the world." Maybe it's because we're not insecure or we're very self-focused. I think the latter is likely more true.
15 November 2009
During my time in AUS, I've had a lot of unique experiences. Today I ate kangaroo and crocodile for the first time, and experienced a game that I have to shake my head with a smile and say, "Only in OZ!" It's called Furyball, and I made a video to share a little slice of country life in Canberra. Enjoy the action!
13 November 2009
All in Due Time
It is a great challenge to wait upon the LORD expectantly. We find a great deal of comfort with schedules, future plans, meetings, and appointments. We find joy in looking to the future and saying things like, "This time next year, we'll have a baby" or "A month from now, we'll be living in our new home." There's a certain amount of joyful expectation for me to say, "In five days, I'll be back in the States." I know I have a ticket for a plane departing to LAX next Thursday, so this isn't a stretch. If by God's grace I manage to be at the airport at the right time, I have a seat reserved for me to go home.
People love to predict. Watch any pre-game NFL program and listen to the commentators posture and argue concerning game predictions. Every single week ESPN has predictions of the points each player will score. It seems that predictions seem to give a sense of control in the outcome, even though they do not affect the scoring in any way. We find this same prediction-mongering in politics, government, newscasts, reporters, and even among religions. There is a certain amount of comfort in believing we know how things will turn out in the end.
I remember when I spoke to my wife's parents about marrying Laura. They asked me reasonable questions about my future plans, which at the time centered around joining the Local 5 Insulator's Union. I was asked what I would do if the plan to join the union fell through. I really didn't have a "backup" plan apart from working hard and using all God-given ability to be successful. It turned out that I was able to excel in the trade and I worked up the ranks from pre-apprentice, apprentice, journeyman, and later a foreman. There was a logical progression which was very predictable. At a point I could say, "In two years, I will be a journeyman and make such and such a wage."
It is strange to me that I have no such logical plan laid out before me and my family than obedience to God. The stakes seem higher to people now that I have two boys in addition to my wife, but they remain the same: will I be obedient to God and allow Him to direct my future? God can provide food for the sparrows and knows when a single one falls. Won't He abundantly supply my needs as well as my wife and kids? I can make no prediction about what I will be doing in Australia, where I will be living, or how God intends I serve Him beyond preaching and serving. Is that enough? It is enough for me, and I don't know how much labor I should put into convincing others. It boils down to faith.
Hebrews 11:13 says this concerning the patriarchs of faith: "These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off were assured of them, embraced them and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth." Here are prime evidences of faith: assurance that God's promises are true, embracing the promises and denying even what is seen, and confession of these promises in word and deed. I suppose we can ask ourselves, how do we measure up to this standard of faith? How willing am I to take God at His word? Am I willing to lay aside all things that my arms might be free to embrace God's truth? Whether we live of die, may we do it for the glory of the God who is, was, and who ever will be. Faith needs no backup plan when faith is placed in God's Word.
People love to predict. Watch any pre-game NFL program and listen to the commentators posture and argue concerning game predictions. Every single week ESPN has predictions of the points each player will score. It seems that predictions seem to give a sense of control in the outcome, even though they do not affect the scoring in any way. We find this same prediction-mongering in politics, government, newscasts, reporters, and even among religions. There is a certain amount of comfort in believing we know how things will turn out in the end.
I remember when I spoke to my wife's parents about marrying Laura. They asked me reasonable questions about my future plans, which at the time centered around joining the Local 5 Insulator's Union. I was asked what I would do if the plan to join the union fell through. I really didn't have a "backup" plan apart from working hard and using all God-given ability to be successful. It turned out that I was able to excel in the trade and I worked up the ranks from pre-apprentice, apprentice, journeyman, and later a foreman. There was a logical progression which was very predictable. At a point I could say, "In two years, I will be a journeyman and make such and such a wage."
It is strange to me that I have no such logical plan laid out before me and my family than obedience to God. The stakes seem higher to people now that I have two boys in addition to my wife, but they remain the same: will I be obedient to God and allow Him to direct my future? God can provide food for the sparrows and knows when a single one falls. Won't He abundantly supply my needs as well as my wife and kids? I can make no prediction about what I will be doing in Australia, where I will be living, or how God intends I serve Him beyond preaching and serving. Is that enough? It is enough for me, and I don't know how much labor I should put into convincing others. It boils down to faith.
Hebrews 11:13 says this concerning the patriarchs of faith: "These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off were assured of them, embraced them and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth." Here are prime evidences of faith: assurance that God's promises are true, embracing the promises and denying even what is seen, and confession of these promises in word and deed. I suppose we can ask ourselves, how do we measure up to this standard of faith? How willing am I to take God at His word? Am I willing to lay aside all things that my arms might be free to embrace God's truth? Whether we live of die, may we do it for the glory of the God who is, was, and who ever will be. Faith needs no backup plan when faith is placed in God's Word.
10 November 2009
Only God Knows
"He who observes the wind will not sow, and he who regards the clouds will not reap. [5] As you do not know what is the way of the wind, or how the bones grow in the womb of her who is with child, so you do not know the works of God who makes everything. [6] In the morning sow your seed, and in the evening do not withhold your hand; for you do not know which will prosper either this or that, or whether both alike will be good."
Ecclesiastes 11:4-6
One aspect of following Jesus Christ in faith is not knowing exactly where He is heading. We know that all things work for good to those who love God, but we often don't know how He will make good of a situation. It is not until much later we begin to recognize the hand of God leading, guiding, and protecting us. During my evening reading last night, I came upon this verse and was very blessed. I have been asked many times by people in OZ how the LORD is leading me in future decisions: if I have a sense where I will move, how I will obtain a visa, or if God has revealed His ultimate plan for my family and myself. I know this is a small precursor to the barrage of questions I will no doubt face upon my arrival back in the States, and frankly I'm not prepared to answer them.
What goodness and peace we gain from the Word of God! As I was reading, this verse was a great comfort to me. With all of my travels, personal connections, and newly forged friendships, I don't know how God will use them in the future. But just like I don't know how the bones of a child form in the womb of a mother, so I cannot comprehend the ways of God. Solomon paints a picture of a reluctant farmer who will not plant because the wind is too strong, or will not harvest because the sky is overcast. In his wisdom Solomon exhorts that we not be slack in our labor because of supposed hindrances, but labor while it is day. It is God who will bring the increase. Jesus said in John 9:4, "I must work the works of Him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work."
I have no doubt the connections I have made throughout Australia will be instrumental in my future by the grace and mercy of God, as true as I know that a healthy pregnancy results in a baby. I don't know how God knits the baby together, but I know that He does. Conception preceeds new life. When the call of God is fertilized with faith, new life develops that can only be imagined at first, not explained. But as the child emerges into the world, the parents rejoice to see the little person God fashioned according to His perfect design. In the same way, I don't know how God is using this trip. But I know He is using it to change me and prepare everyone for the work He wants to do. And when this baby ministry is brought to the birth, all will see and rejoice in what God has done. It is a miracle that God includes man in His plan.
I encourage you to trust God whether you know how He is using your present situation or not. When God has spoken truth to your heart through His Word and Holy Spirit, add to that truth faith in Him. He says in Isaiah 66:9: "Shall I bring to the birth, and not cause to bring forth? saith the LORD: shall I cause to bring forth, and shut the womb? saith thy God." God makes all things beautiful in His time, and childbirth is a painful, laborious process. A life of faith is a difficult one, but wrought with countless blessings. A life of faith is one without end, for Christ gives all those who trust in Him eternal life. Only God knows the difficulties and struggles you face, and He is able to use every one of those for good that He might be glorified. Rejoice in the process, for the end result is beyond compare!
09 November 2009
Truth Without Change (over time)
I read an interesting book recommended by Bob, my host in Sydney. He has a lovely family: Jacqui his wife, Samuel (7) and Kate (4). The book is called "Already Gone" by Ken Ham and Britt Beemer which claims the teaching in most churches today does not answer fundamental questions and doubts that people have. Children are taught Bible "stories" and emphasis is not placed on their historical, scientific, and archaelogical fact. When kids continue to go through school, they are bombarded with scientific "facts" which often contradict a Biblical worldview. Due to these doubts not being directly addressed from the pulpit or Sunday School classes, many people leave the church during their college years on in their 20's. Since I have worked with youth for many years and have seen the staggeringly high attrition rate among "churched" youth, this book did not come as a surprise or shock.
Darwin's "Origin of Species" published in 1859 shook the foundations of the common belief that the world was relatively young. The scientific community had given the world a theory of the origin of mankind and world without the necessity of God. This theory of evolution of the species was not a result of reading the Bible, but the idea of a man. Many today have tried to inject evolutionary teaching into the Genesis account, saying that the ideas are not opposed to one another. Others say that it does not matter if the earth is billions or thousands of years old: only belief in Jesus Christ is important. I heartily disagree with these modern views.
The Bible says that God created the heavens and the earth and all that is in them in six twenty-four hour periods and rested on the seventh day. He made every star, plant, animals both male and female that live on land and in the sea, and breathed a living soul into man. No one in the Old Testament, nor Jesus or any disciple in the New Testament suggest that macro-evolution (one species changing over time into a different species) was the way that God made all we see today. Jesus says in Mark 10:6: "But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female." Both the species and two sexes were created from the beginning as they remain to this day. Though we see varieties within a species today, every species was distinct and fully-functional from the beginning. The chicken came before the egg.
As I walked through the Melbourne Museum and saw reconstructed skeletons of dinosaurs, the supposed ages of the bones ranged in the millions of years. God operates outside of time and can create in an instant, but He chose to create the heavens and the earth in a seven day period, one week. For macro-evolution to even be considered in a theoretical sense, enormous amounts of time is needed. It is my belief that an infinite amount of time is not enough for macro-evolution to take place, but that is another matter. It was not until 1859 that people began to suggest, "The earth may be much older than we might have thought" to allow the possibility that Darwin's theory might be considered plausible.
You might think, "But what's the big deal? Couldn't the world be 4.5 billion (this number changes all the time!) years old and God used creation without evolution?" Remember, God doesn't need time. The current scientific community is convinced that evolution without question is the way things work. The current age of the universe (which is considered billions of years older today than it was twenty years ago) is based on new discoveries and data which push back the prospective time of the "big bang." The more we learn the more difficulties are forced upon the theory of evolution, so more time is allotted to work out these problems. A kid walks into Sunday School and hears a "story" about how God created the heavens and the earth in a literal week, and then on a class field trip hears "facts" from experts that the world is billions of years old and the dinosaurs that excite his imagination became extinct millions of years ago. His doubts begin to grow during middle school and high school as he weighs these contrary views, and these doubts progress into unbelief of the Word of God in college. That is why it is critical that the Word of God is held forth as fact supported by science, not as fairy tales.
If the beliefs of people in the Genesis account are eroded by modern-day scientific teachings concerning the age of the earth, it is likely they will not believe the Bible is the Word of God without error or flaw. If the Bible is seen as a flawed book written by men, the Gospel itself will be brought into question. The Bible is the true Word of God delivered by the Holy Spirit through men inspired by God. 2 Peter 1:21 says that God's Word did not originate from man, "...but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Spirit." In Jude 1:3 it is written: "...I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints." It has held up under fierce scientific, moral, historical, prophetic, geological, archaeological, and biological analysis. It is completely perfect concerning earthly things, and equally insightful and flawless concerning spiritual things. There is no book in the world which so perfectly explains the nature of a man, moral and social issues, and how God not only created all things but sent Jesus Christ to seek and save the lost. The resurrection of Jesus Christ still cannot be disproved by any means.
As Bible-believing Christians, we must hold fast to the truth of scripture without yielding to the pressure of those who do not believe. Paul wrote in 1 Timothy 6:20-21: "O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called: [21] which some professing have erred concerning the faith. Grace be with thee. Amen." As the saying goes, "Truth can bear examination." Good science involves observation, formation of a hypothesis, the testing of a hypothesis in a controlled environment, and conclusion based upon the evidence. Neither creation or evolution can be validated through the scientific method, because no one knows the conditions that were in place before time began. But unlike scientific journals that change from year to year, the Word of God has never changed. It has never been proven false. It is on the merit of its unshakable truth I believe the Bible is the inspired, unchanging Word of God through which we learn who God is, what He has done, and teaches all the way of salvation through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. As Romans 3:4 says, "Let God be true, and every man a liar..."
Don't take my word for it: test the Word of God for yourself and be convinced in your own mind. God has revealed His truth, and we are all without excuse! It's time to stand up for the truth of God's Word, and teach our children what is right. I refuse to be bullied by people who choose not to believe what is true, and neither should you. The truth will not change over time! What's true will remain true, and God's Word will never pass away!
Darwin's "Origin of Species" published in 1859 shook the foundations of the common belief that the world was relatively young. The scientific community had given the world a theory of the origin of mankind and world without the necessity of God. This theory of evolution of the species was not a result of reading the Bible, but the idea of a man. Many today have tried to inject evolutionary teaching into the Genesis account, saying that the ideas are not opposed to one another. Others say that it does not matter if the earth is billions or thousands of years old: only belief in Jesus Christ is important. I heartily disagree with these modern views.
The Bible says that God created the heavens and the earth and all that is in them in six twenty-four hour periods and rested on the seventh day. He made every star, plant, animals both male and female that live on land and in the sea, and breathed a living soul into man. No one in the Old Testament, nor Jesus or any disciple in the New Testament suggest that macro-evolution (one species changing over time into a different species) was the way that God made all we see today. Jesus says in Mark 10:6: "But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female." Both the species and two sexes were created from the beginning as they remain to this day. Though we see varieties within a species today, every species was distinct and fully-functional from the beginning. The chicken came before the egg.
As I walked through the Melbourne Museum and saw reconstructed skeletons of dinosaurs, the supposed ages of the bones ranged in the millions of years. God operates outside of time and can create in an instant, but He chose to create the heavens and the earth in a seven day period, one week. For macro-evolution to even be considered in a theoretical sense, enormous amounts of time is needed. It is my belief that an infinite amount of time is not enough for macro-evolution to take place, but that is another matter. It was not until 1859 that people began to suggest, "The earth may be much older than we might have thought" to allow the possibility that Darwin's theory might be considered plausible.
You might think, "But what's the big deal? Couldn't the world be 4.5 billion (this number changes all the time!) years old and God used creation without evolution?" Remember, God doesn't need time. The current scientific community is convinced that evolution without question is the way things work. The current age of the universe (which is considered billions of years older today than it was twenty years ago) is based on new discoveries and data which push back the prospective time of the "big bang." The more we learn the more difficulties are forced upon the theory of evolution, so more time is allotted to work out these problems. A kid walks into Sunday School and hears a "story" about how God created the heavens and the earth in a literal week, and then on a class field trip hears "facts" from experts that the world is billions of years old and the dinosaurs that excite his imagination became extinct millions of years ago. His doubts begin to grow during middle school and high school as he weighs these contrary views, and these doubts progress into unbelief of the Word of God in college. That is why it is critical that the Word of God is held forth as fact supported by science, not as fairy tales.
If the beliefs of people in the Genesis account are eroded by modern-day scientific teachings concerning the age of the earth, it is likely they will not believe the Bible is the Word of God without error or flaw. If the Bible is seen as a flawed book written by men, the Gospel itself will be brought into question. The Bible is the true Word of God delivered by the Holy Spirit through men inspired by God. 2 Peter 1:21 says that God's Word did not originate from man, "...but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Spirit." In Jude 1:3 it is written: "...I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints." It has held up under fierce scientific, moral, historical, prophetic, geological, archaeological, and biological analysis. It is completely perfect concerning earthly things, and equally insightful and flawless concerning spiritual things. There is no book in the world which so perfectly explains the nature of a man, moral and social issues, and how God not only created all things but sent Jesus Christ to seek and save the lost. The resurrection of Jesus Christ still cannot be disproved by any means.
As Bible-believing Christians, we must hold fast to the truth of scripture without yielding to the pressure of those who do not believe. Paul wrote in 1 Timothy 6:20-21: "O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called: [21] which some professing have erred concerning the faith. Grace be with thee. Amen." As the saying goes, "Truth can bear examination." Good science involves observation, formation of a hypothesis, the testing of a hypothesis in a controlled environment, and conclusion based upon the evidence. Neither creation or evolution can be validated through the scientific method, because no one knows the conditions that were in place before time began. But unlike scientific journals that change from year to year, the Word of God has never changed. It has never been proven false. It is on the merit of its unshakable truth I believe the Bible is the inspired, unchanging Word of God through which we learn who God is, what He has done, and teaches all the way of salvation through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. As Romans 3:4 says, "Let God be true, and every man a liar..."
Don't take my word for it: test the Word of God for yourself and be convinced in your own mind. God has revealed His truth, and we are all without excuse! It's time to stand up for the truth of God's Word, and teach our children what is right. I refuse to be bullied by people who choose not to believe what is true, and neither should you. The truth will not change over time! What's true will remain true, and God's Word will never pass away!
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