02 August 2009

Finished Brainerd's Life and Diary today...

One of the things that stood out for me in Brainerd's diary is that salvation never seemed to come easily. People would sit under preaching unaffected for some time and then the Spirit would quicken them to great concern for their souls. For months and even years they would labor under the weight of their sin before surrender to Christ. After this season of wrestling, there is hardly a single instance of backsliding mentioned. A.W. Tozer once said that he loves a man to be stubborn in coming to Christ: if he can be easily be persuaded to follow Christ he will likely be easily disuaded to abandon Him. Jesus entreats a man to count the cost of following Him: it will cost you your life.

Here is a quote from the diary that I am compelled to agree with, and amazing that it was written in 1745! "Could not but think, as I have often remarked to others, that much more of true religion consists in deep humility, brokenness of heart, and as abasing sense of barrenness and want of grace and holiness than most who are called Christians imagine; especially those who have been esteemed the converts of the late day. Many seem to know of no other religion but elevated joys and affections, arising only from some flights of imagination, or some suggestion made to their mind, of Christ being theirs, God loving them, and the like."

In our day, the doctrine of repentance is more a byword than a watchword. We see little humiliation or brokenness for sin. It was Leonard Ravenhill who said of young men who desired to follow in his footsteps mourning (and I paraphrase): "They want my mantle, but they refuse my sackcloth and ashes!" How precious in the sight of God is a man who mourns over his sin, denying superficial comfort! God's wrath was arrested when He saw the Ninevites repent and fast. He withheld evil from Ahab, one of the most wicked kings of Israel, because he humbled himself when confronted with his sin!

It must be noted that repentance is an inner work, not an outer show. During the times of the minor prophets leading up to captivity, the children of Israel continued their sacrifices and fasts. However, they refused to give up their abominable idolatries. God said, "Is this the fast I have chosen, the putting on of sackcloth? Why don't you do righteously instead?" So often we would rather sacrifice than obey; we would rather fast from food than fast from our sin. In Luke 24 Jesus says that repentance and forgiveness of sins must be preached in His name. Without repentance there is no forgiveness.

Following Jesus is more than "elevated joys and affections." There are deep valleys of sorrow and tribulation, but Jesus is with us continually. Jesus says that in this world we will have tribulation but be of good cheer because He has overcome the world. If we humble ourselves in the sight of the LORD He will lift us up. A man in his strength can elevate himself a few feet above the ground: if we will humble ourselves and repent before our Holy Creator in faith, He will usher us into the heavens and eternal glory! Praise be to God, who gives us the victory through Jesus Christ our LORD.

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