10 August 2010


Have you ever read a great book which impacted your life?  After speaking excitedly with friends or family, you offer the book on loan to someone who seems very interested.  Months pass.  We've probably been on both sides of this equation many times and so we know what happens.  After a ridiculous amount of time has elapsed the book is returned - unread.  This is as annoying as disappointing, because the book would have been likely loaned to others who might have actually read the book during that time and been greatly blessed.

I'm sure many excuses or reasons could be given why the book was never read, but it is undeniable that the book was not as great a priority or as important to the borrower as the loaner.  I suppose if the borrower really wanted to read the book he would buy it, check it out from the library, or buy an e-book himself.  When people invest nothing and are loaned a book rather than purchasing it sometimes they lack motivation to follow through.  Sadly, we can even buy books ourselves and never get around to reading them!  It is likely the borrower was interested to read the book because of the excitement of their friend.  Man, I want to read something exciting.  I want to hear something new.  I desire to be affected by anything to the degree as this person I admire and respect has been inspired.  Yet the book just sits there gathering dust, a testimony to our lack of motivation, forgetfulness, and procrastination.  A procrastinator is better than said borrower because though it may take awhile, he will complete the task!

While pondering this phenomenon, I couldn't help thinking about how this "borrower" mentality is prevalent in the lives of many Christians today, even my own at times.  All have been born into sin on this earth.  In His great love God has granted us a new life through repentance and faith in Jesus.  Perhaps we were won to Christ by a person filled with enthusiasm for God and we thought to ourselves, I want that excitement.  I would love to have purpose for my life and to be free from sin.  I want to go to heaven too!  True to His Word, God gives us a life which we are stewards of on earth, a life of righteousness, purity, victory, and power.  We are not our own because we have been bought with a price.  But instead of focusing on bringing God glory with our lives, we neglect our walk with God.  The life on earth we are borrowing from God - the life according to His will and plan - is undisturbed in a drawer while the life we live every day is pretty much the same as when we weren't born again.

There is nothing more exciting than living a life for God.  It will also be the hardest thing you have ever done.  We have forfeited our lives for the life God intends for us.  If we never wanted to really read a book we shouldn't have borrowed it, and if we don't want to follow Jesus we should have never claimed to be a Christian!  I am asking myself today, what do I have to show for the new life Jesus has given me through His own sacrifice?  Is my "Christianity" reserved for Sundays when I'm around people who can be playing at it too?  Our life on earth is a generous loan from God.  I want to make sure when my Savior settles accounts with me I am not one of those borrowers who sheepishly returns his life covered in dirt like the servant who buried his talent in the ground.  If I think I will receive any blessing for such ill use of such an unfathomably great gift I would be mistaken!

If I am disappointed when someone returns a book unread after six months, what devastation must God endure when we let our new life paid with the blood of His own Son be neglected with other pursuits.  I thank God for His grace and the fact that He knows our frame.  We are dust moistened with blood, earthen vessels God has graciously allowed His light to shine into.  Thank God for His patience, generosity, faithfulness, and love.  Just like we don't "unfriend" someone who been a lousy borrower, God will never disown His children for their faults because Christ has cleansed them from all sin.  Let's be sure to thank Him by pressing on in a deeper walk with Jesus.  May we use all God's gracious gifts with zeal and a sense of purpose.  Teach me to number my days, O God, that I might apply my heart unto wisdom.

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