19 August 2010

Where's my truck?

I've been working late the last couple nights.  Laura walked into the den this morning and said, "Where's your truck?"  I'm thinking it should be right where I left it.  It did not take me long to realize that my truck was indeed NOT where I left it.  Instead of my truck there were trash cans waiting to be picked up.  I called the police and reported my truck stolen.  While I was contacting the police department, I asked Laura to drive around our neighborhood to see if she could find it.  I just filled up with a full tank of gas and the odds were against us finding it.

With God, there are no such thing as odds.  Within five minutes Laura was calling me to say she had found the truck three blocks away.  The tool box looked intact (my chief concern!) and it looked like the interior had been rifled through.  After a policeman arrived to file a report and looked things over, nothing appears to have been stolen.  The thieves jammed something in the ignition but the doors look fine.  Amazingly, within three hours of reporting the truck stolen, it had been towed to a mechanic for repairs.  God willing I shall have my wheels and tools back for work tomorrow!  The policeman said I was very lucky, but I give God the credit.  He does things not for our convenience, but that He might receive the glory.

I suppose what I draw from this experience is God remains in control whether thieves break in and steal or if we dwell in relative safety.  Would God be a bad God if my truck had been cut stripped of parts, every tool stolen, and found two months from now in Mexico?  No.  God would still be the great, awesome, all-powerful, gracious, and loving God He has always been.  Though I don't know why, God has chosen to knit this experience in the fabric of my life on earth.  It's an opportunity to be tested and for God to prove Himself faithful again.  We can lose everything of monetary value on this earth but God still remains.  His love fails not, and His mercies are new every morning.  "Though He slay me, yet I will trust in Him."

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