09 October 2011

Pure Motives?

"So likewise you, when you have done all those things which you are commanded, say, 'We are unprofitable servants. We have done what was our duty to do."
Luke 17:10 

This morning in church we talked about how Jesus has provided a pattern of being the servant of all.  Greatness in the kingdom of God comes through humble service and sacrifice motivated by the love of God.  Sometimes we aren't motivated to act by pure motives.  On the outside we might look like a servant, but in honesty we are serving ourselves.

After our monthly BBQ at church, I started breaking down the tables to clean up.  As I collapsed each leg, I considered how many different motivations I could have in packing up the tables.  Perhaps I had seen someone starting to do it and because of my pride - unwilling to be outdone - jumped in.  I could have started to work on the tables because I want to race home to watch a game on TV.  Maybe I just wanted to make a good impression on someone.  Because of the message preached this morning, maybe I wanted to show the pastor I was listening AND putting it into practice.  Or maybe as the pastor I want to make a point that I'm going to practice what I preach!  With the help of others, the clean tables were stacked neatly in short order.  Funny how I'm still thinking about it.

It occurred to me that throughout my life, my motivation in service has not always been pure.  How good we can look on the outside and have our hearts in the wrong place!  It is so easy to neglect to examine our motives in doing what we do.  Indeed, it is a wise practice to examine our hearts - but even better still to ask God to examine them and see what He finds.  He is the righteous Judge, and it is what He says that counts.  Jesus says that to be great in God's kingdom we must be the servant of all.  It is obedience compelled by the love of Jesus Christ which should motivate us:  not a desire to be seen, to build a reputation for ourselves, to receive praise or recognition, or out of guilt.

Praise God for the light of His Word and the penetrating insight of the Holy Spirit!  How good He is to expose our faults that we might repent so He can rectify them and free us from the rut of sin.  Instead of living in the past in shame and regret, we can look to Jesus now and into eternity with joy and steadfast love.  Thank you God for purifying my heart, and may all service I perform for you be truly unto you with honesty, always motivated by your love.  I am unprofitable, and you have done wondrous things to use me to transform menial tasks into an act of worship.

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