08 October 2012

Follow First!

The human body is a marvel of design.  It is able to grow, regenerate, heal, become strong and muscular through exercise, and achieve remarkable feats through training and intelligence.  But even the most refined bodies have limitations.  A man may be able to run fast, but he can only run so fast.  "Perfect" vision remains limited in scope and range.  Though our bodies are dynamic, in every way we are confronted by limits.  These boundaries may be enlarged through practice, but our human condition imposes limits upon us.

This is not meant to be a negative "half-glass empty" post of resigning ourselves to our natural limitations.  On the contrary:  our limitations should turn our gaze upon the One who is limitless and infinite, the Almighty God.  We are not able, but God is able.  We are naturally senseless when it comes to spiritual things.  Even the knowledge of our sin and separation from God does not mean in our flesh we are able to rectify things.  School House Rock claimed "Knowledge is power," but in spiritual matters knowledge only condemns us and reveals our insufficiency to do anything.  It is only in Jesus Christ we find the power to will and do of His good pleasure.

Despite our lack, let us diligently seek God.  Sometimes we want to see the answers or have the knowledge before we will passionately pursue Jesus.  A great illustration of how men are to follow Jesus is found in Matthew 9:27-30:  "When Jesus departed from there, two blind men followed Him, crying out and saying, "Son of David, have mercy on us!" 28 And when He had come into the house, the blind men came to Him. And Jesus said to them, "Do you believe that I am able to do this?" They said to Him, "Yes, Lord." 29 Then He touched their eyes, saying, "According to your faith let it be to you." 30 And their eyes were opened..."  Two blind men, acutely aware of their lack of sight, called out as Jesus passed by them:  "Have mercy on us!"  But Jesus did not stop.  He continued walking until He reached a house.  These persistent men followed Jesus to the home and "came to Him."  They were not angry or resentful that Jesus did not stop for them.  They were desperate to see and believed Jesus could heal them.  Their faith caused them to pursue, and Jesus touched them.  They were healed and no doubt rejoiced!

We need to come to Jesus even as these blind men, unashamed to cry out for healing and salvation from their condition.  Their lack and limitations opened their eyes of faith in the God who could deliver them.  They did not require that Jesus act according to their dictates, but pursued Him even in their blind state.  Jesus said, "According to your faith be it unto you."  He touched them, and their healing was evidence of their genuine faith.  I identify with these blind men.  I was once blind but now I see.  I was blind with 20-20 vision.  It was Jesus who touched me and caused me to spiritually see.  Instead of demanding relief from our symptoms before we will follow Christ in faith, let us follow first.  His transforming, healing, and saving touch is of greater worth than all the gems and gold in every galaxy known and unknown.  His love is greater than man's ability to see or fathom.

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