14 October 2012

Give God the Credit

I saw an advertisement today about a new iphone.  Apple promotes this product as a ingenious marvel of design, perfectly fitting in the human hand.  The thing I find highly ironic about this commercial is we marvel over advances in modern technology but miss the timeless engineering of the human hand!  What is harder to create:  an ergonomically designed phone, or a hand to effectively use the phone?  There is no way a glass and metallic box of circuits and a battery is more complex than a hand created by God.  The voice over in the ad says concerning the customised screen, "That's either an amazing coincidence, or a dazzling display of common sense.  Pretty sure it's the common sense thing."  Obviously.

Without God, there would be no common sense.  No logical sense comes out of sheer randomness.  No operative systems manage to develop either in the government or in the human body without the control of intelligent beings.  No ordered chains of information arise from nothing.  Books do not write themselves.  Life cannot come from non-life.  Chemicals, not even when carefully mixed and treated in laboratories by the best scientists the world can muster, have ever yielded a single living cell.  If you were to come across an iphone or even a memory stick without ever seeing one before, it would be obvious even to a child that it is a device made by man for a purpose.  When I see a human being, animals, the stars, waterfalls, flowers, and bees, my reason refuses to accept that they are merely accidents or randomly generated beauty.  I give credit to God for creating all I see, for the Bible affirms that without Him nothing was made that is made.

Did you know that your thumbprint is like none other in the whole world?  Factories churn out millions of identical iphones, but God created only one of you.  He loves you and made you as a unique creation according to His design.  It is His delight when the people He creates rejoice in the things He has made and recognise it as the handiwork of an awesome God and worship Him.  A fingerprint on a touch-screen can identify one person in the world, and God's fingerprints are all over us!  Let's give credit where credit is due!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, indeed! To God be the glory, great things He has done...and does! I am glad to know to Whom thanksgiving is due; Praise God from Whom ALL blessings flow...including the ingenuity and elements from which i-phones are made.


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