29 November 2012

Just You - and a Just God

As I was reading last night Romans 14:12 stood out with renewed impact:  "So then each of us shall give account of himself to God."  We will not be held responsible for the conduct, decisions, or lifestyles of others.  God's standards and my obedience or disobedience will be the only topic of conversation.  I will not be able to justify myself by the actions of anyone else, or claim that others are to blame for stumbling me.  God is perfect and does not change.  Uncomfortably, I will be the prime and sole subject of this accounting.  This accounting for Christians will not be a recollection of sin because God has cleansed us and chosen to remember our sin no more.  It will be an accounting to see if we have been faithful stewards to use for God's glory the talents and gifts He has entrusted to us.  Those under the Law, having refused to enter into the New Covenant through Christ's blood, will be judged according to the Law.  Romans 3:19 says, "Now we know that whatever the law says, it says to those who are under the law, that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God."  The wages of sin is eternal death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ.

I can see it playing out in a courtroom like a television drama, me standing before the Almighty Judge.  No jury, no defense attorney, no opinions, no biased interpretations, no precedence, no loopholes:  just my life measured against the pure Word of God by a holy, righteous Judge.  Any references to other people will be inadmissible to His court.  God is both star witness and Judge.  No deed, word, or attitude was unknown to Him throughout all my days.  Forget video tapes and recordings, because God will not even need to remember anything:  He will know it.  In that day I will be left without excuse.  My mouth will be stopped by the truth of God's Word.

From the very beginning, man has sought to justify his conduct based upon others.  God gave Adam a single negative command:  do not eat from the tree in the middle of the garden.  Adam ended up being influenced by his wife Eve and ate of the forbidden fruit.  When God asked Adam if he had eaten from the forbidden tree Adam blamed Eve, and Eve blamed the serpent for deceiving her.  But Adam was not required or even permitted to answer for Eve.  God did not ask Adam why he didn't control his wife or why he allowed her to speak with the cunning serpent.  He was not allowed to submit as evidence a study concerning the dangers of peer pressure or how Adam was basically innocent because of Eve's influence.  Why Adam did it missed the point. The question still stood:  did you eat from the tree?  The only response to that direct question was yes or no.  With the taste of the juice still on his lips, could Adam deny what he had done before the God who knows all things?

I need to be reminded that I will need to give account of myself before God.  It is a good practice for us daily to keep accounts with God, not waiting until we are judged before Christ's throne.  I will not be able to blame a tiring day for my lack of patience, or my child's rebellion for my hurtful words or actions.  All excuses will flee away as dust before a hurricane in the presence of God.  All will lay bare and naked before Him, and all I will be able to do is fall upon His great mercy and grace.  Thank God that it is He who works in us both to will and do of His good pleasure.  He is the One who enables us to stand!

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