22 June 2014

Pain Free or Well?

In a conversation yesterday, a mate of mine asked a question I found quite profound.  He said his physiotherapist constantly asks the question:  "Do you want to be pain free, or do you want to be well?"  The answer to this question will greatly impact treatment.  I believe this simple question holds profound spiritual implications.

The point made by the physiotherapist is a critical one for him and each seeking treatment to understand.  This man has broken people coming to him who face various degrees of physical pain.  His expertise and skills to improve the condition of those who seek his service are directly impacted by their willingness and desires.  I suspect most people just want the pain to go away.  They do not care to have their lives terribly impacted by any course of treatment, despite long term benefits.  Most people are not keen to make permanent, major adjustments to their activity level, lifestyle, or habits.  They don't want to be burdened with diet restrictions or commit to series of daily stretches and exercise regimen.  If there was such a thing as a magic tablet to cure all ills, that's all people want!  All the physio can do in this case is provide temporary relief of pain, perhaps some manual adjustments to bring people "out of the woods," and at some point lose clients because he isn't accomplishing lasting results.  It's a tough job to be sure - dealing with people who want to be pain free but don't care to be well.  If people aren't interested in being well, he likely wouldn't bother burdening such with exercises and treatments.

Those who want to be well are willing to embrace massive changes in their diet and exercise routine because they want to attack the root cause of their pain.  They will be faithful to do their daily stretches and alter their lifestyle because they trust the physio and his methods of treatment.  Becoming well is not an immediate transformation, but a process.  It's important to understand our bodies do not just "heal" themselves.  God designed our bodies to work constantly towards health.  Oxygen is carried by red blood cells, white cells are mobilised to fight infection, recording each strain of virus and bacteria for future defense.  Pain is a signal that tells the body it is not well and needs treatment and special care.  Instead of masking pain with drugs or seeking an easy fix, those who will be well need to work toward that end under the guidance of one who can make an accurate diagnosis, and apply effective treatments.  Our bodies work hard on the inside, and to be well we must pitch in with health-promoting lifestyle changes.

Largely speaking, pain has a bad rap.  Sometimes damaged nerves can cause chronic, debilitating pain.  This is not what I am referring to.  God designed our bodies to feel pain as a warning sign of damage.  A lack of pain is potentially damaging and even deadly to the body.  One incurable disease that leads to disfigurement and death is leprosy.  When nerves to extremities become damaged, the lack of sensation leads to pressure wounds, burns, and serious infections.  Some who suffer from leprosy end up being blind, having lost sensation to their eyes.  Pain is an effective defense mechanism.  Leprosy illustrates how a lack of pain ultimately leads to self-destruction.  A book that goes into great detail on this point is Fearfully and Wonderfully Made by Dr. Paul Brand and Philip Yancey.

If we apply this question to our spiritual walks, perhaps it will open our eyes to the fact we have only wanted to be pain free and don't actually care to be well.  God wants us to be well.  Have you finally arrived to the place where you want to be well at any cost?  It is a beautiful place to be when we are in pain and realise we don't just want our pain to be relieved, but we want to be well and submit our entire lives into the hands of Great Physician - not so He can wave His hands over the spot and speak instant healing, but so He will tell us a course of treatment according to His Word we will embrace.  Don't you want to be well?  You hesitate because of the cost, the ongoing commitment, or perhaps you think you know yourself well enough!  Jesus walked up to the lame man at the pool of Bethesda and asked the question:  "Do you want to be made well?"  He did not answer the question.  Jesus is asking you the same question today.  How do you answer?

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