12 November 2018

More Than a Meal

I was blessed to recall the occasion when Queen Esther appeared before King Ahasuerus unannounced at the risk of her own life.  According to the Law of the Medes and Persians, to appear before the king without being first summoned meant the death penalty - unless he extended the royal sceptre.  After three days of prayer and fasting, Esther came before the king and she found favour in his sight.  I wonder if he was surprised what her request was:  that he and Haman (a chief adviser) would come to a banquet of wine.  Really?  Would a sensible person really risk her life over a private banquet?

If you have read the book of Esther, you know there was much more at stake than the king attending a dinner party.  Esther was desperate to save her people, and God raised her up for such a time to use her position of influence and access with the king to plead for deliverance.  Ultimately the scheme and the wicked adversary Haman were exposed and overthrown.  The brave and courageous deeds of Esther will not be forgotten, and I imagine her husband loved and appreciated her more than ever.

It is remarkable how Esther humbled herself, putting her life in her own hands for the sake of her people so they could be saved.  It is far more remarkable what Jesus Christ has done in becoming flesh and dwelling among us, walking throughout Judea and calling disciples to Himself.  He did not only risk His life, but He laid down His life willingly on Calvary's cross so Jews and Gentiles could be saved for eternity and receive everlasting life.  He is the one who is patient and loving to stand at the door of the hearts of lukewarm Christians and bid them open unto to Him so He can come in a dine.  Wouldn't it be something to host Jesus Christ at your dinner table?  How much more intimate to have the presence of God within us, speaking words of wisdom, grace and truth!

Jesus cried out that if any is thirsty, they should come to Him and drink of the Living Water He supplies.  He does not do so to quench our temporary thirst, but so we will be satisfied and sustained by faith in Him alone.  Esther had a bigger scope in appearing before Ahasuerus than sharing a drink together, and Jesus has a far greater purpose in supplying His broken body and shed blood than fleeting feelings of happiness:  He desires to be our life everyday and forever!  Let us put to death wickedness and throw aside the weights which easily weigh us down, and then we can walk unhindered in our pursuit of our Saviour.  How great it is to have Jesus as Saviour and King, the lover of our souls!

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