01 January 2019

Action, not Activism

As we enter a new year, it is a good reminder how God makes all things new and provides new opportunities every day to learn, grow, serve, and live life to the full.  The life God has prepared for us is greater in scope and impact than we can imagine.  His plans that will be fulfilled are better than our dreams.

I glanced over an article this morning which touched on a subject to which I have given much thought.  The basic premise of the article was Christians tend toward being politically conservative and give little or no effort to activism because they see it as an activity employed by liberals.  Whilst this may or may not be true, it was a straw-man argument to explain why there are not more Christian political activists.  My take is I am not at all called by God to activism but to be active in loving God and others.  If love for God and people means I am to take practical actions, it is a good thing.  At the same time I realise I cannot of myself accomplish anything without the LORD's wisdom, guidance, and help.

I grew up in an era when the abortion debate reached a fever-pitch in the 80's, when protests, marches, and violence from all sides raged.  Probably since the Vietnam war there had not been such a divisive and emotionally charged issue, and at the core was evidence of completely opposing world views.  "Peaceful" demonstrations didn't stay peaceful.  At the core of the struggle was the value of rights:  the right of a "woman to choose" or the right of a foetus (or an unborn child) to live.  Even the terms used in common speech were polarising.  I watched the tactics employed by groups on the right and left side of the issue which, for a large part, employed intimidation, manipulation, violence, parades, and volume to assert their claims.  If that is activism, I want no part of it.  Activism is as much about what you hate as what you fight for.  I do not see Jesus embracing any of these tactics to achieve political or social change, for He laboured for something far more significant and enduring:  the kingdom of God.

There are evidently many people who have embraced activism for social justice or political change as an outlet for their faith, and I see no reason to speak against this.  Yet it is important to note activism always has an end.  Should you ever achieve your desire, it is on to the next great cause.  As hard as people fought to make a change they must double their efforts to sustain it.  With the stroke of a pen all that people worked for and bled over can be undone.  What Jesus did through His active love, however, no one can take away.  He did not need to make friends of the Jews or Romans to achieve His purposes, for He answered to His Father in heaven.  He did not make any sweeping legislative reforms, end poverty, or homelessness, but He did free people from the curse of the Law, provide true riches of heaven to all, and promised an eternal home to all who would trust in Him.  I am convinced Jesus was no activist following a dream, but He was active in following the Father's plan for His life as He reached out to others individually.

Let's make 2019 a year filled with meaningful and fruitful actions in obedience to God for His glory.  We may not be able to change the hearts or minds of others, but may we embrace the changes God desires to accomplish in our lives.  It is alluring to think our efforts and the greatness of a cause will change the world or make it a better place, but without God that is impossible.  The social justice trap ensnares many who march into it, but those who walk in step with Christ are free indeed.

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