08 January 2019

Grace Isn't Fair

From a young age in varying degrees we all have a sense of what is right, wrong, and fair.  It is this third parameter which we can hold in greatest esteem.  We may break the rules or even the law because we believe it is unfair.  People who have uttered the words, "Life isn't fair!" in response to someone saying "That isn't fair" still have a sense of fairness they appeal to when it suits them.

I love how God's grace trumps "fair" every time.  There is a parable Jesus told where the people in it protested against the king's wisdom and generosity.  In Luke 19, Jesus spoke of a man who gave an equal amount of money (a mina) to 10 of his servants (sounds fair).  After being crowned king, he returned and interviewed each of his servants concerning how successful they had been in conducting business.  One man had gained 10 minas with only one to start, and another man gained five.  There was one servant, however, who had buried the mina in the ground and said, "Here is your money."

The king chastised his wicked servant for being so foolish, for he should had kept the money in the bank and at least generated interest.  Luke 19:24-25 says, "And he said to those who stood by, 'Take the mina from him, and give it to him who has ten minas.' 25 (But they said to him, 'Master, he has ten minas.')"  Those who stood by questioned the king's decision, as it didn't seem fair to give the mina to the man who had the most.  But if you were master, who would you want investing your money?  The one who buried it in the ground, the one who gained 5, or the one who gained 10?  The one who gained 10, of course!  The master knew exactly what he was giving and why he was giving it to his good and faithful servant.  He was gracious to give a mina to a servant he knew was wicked.

Then Jesus delivered the parable's punchline for our application in Luke 19:26:  "For I say to you, that to everyone who has will be given; and from him who does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him."  This may not seem fair, but it is righteous and gracious for God to reward His faithful servants.  The lives of unbelievers and all they acquire will be lost forever, but it is God's good pleasure to give believers eternal life and the kingdom (Luke 12:32).  This isn't fair by any means, of course, but all of grace.  What a privilege and responsibility we have in serving our King!

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