23 January 2019

Love's Lasting Impact

A couple years ago I was sitting on a lounge reading a book by Isobel Kuhn, a missionary whose story has always touched my heart.  It was in the midst of a tough season, and it was refreshing to read of God's faithfulness to His people and the power of the Gospel.  As I sat reading, a little girl walked up smiling and offered me a yellow piece of paper.  "What's this?" I asked.  "It's a love-heart," she replied.  I thanked her and tucked it into my Bible where it has remained to this day.

It was a touching gesture, a wonderful reminder of the love of God through His little ones.  It illustrates to me how simple yet profound love is and the great impact it has upon our hearts and minds.  God's love is pure and enduring, gracious and full of compassion.  I had not said or done anything worthy of the attention of the little girl, but she freely gave me a symbol of love which to me ministered God's love I will not forget.

Perhaps you wonder how you can possibly share God's love with others.  This gift illustrates the simplicity of doing just that.  The love-heart I received is made from a simple folded slip of paper.  This is what it looks like unfolded:

There's nothing special about this slip of yellow paper in itself, but after being intentionally folded and trimmed it conveyed a message of love.  If a scrap of paper without words can express love, how much more can our words, use of time, and genuine interest share God's love with others.  Love is costly, but it does not require expensive gifts to convey it.  What a treasure God's love is, and may we be used by God to remind others of it often in simple ways.

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