25 September 2024

The Speer Prayer

After the murder of his son Elliot, Robert Speer and his wife wrote letters in response to condolences offered by friends and family that are recorded in his biography.  I was especially blessed by a prayer in a letter that was a combination of the Collect for All Saint's Day and from the hearts of Robert and Mrs. Speer.  The prayer is as follows:
"O Almighty God, who has knit together Thine elect in one communion and fellowship, in the mystical body of Thy Son Christ our Lord; grant us grace so to follow Thy blessed saints in all virtuous and godly living, that we may come to those unspeakable joys which Thou has prepared for those who unfeignedly love Thee; through the same Thy son, Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen." (Collect for all Saints Day)

We seem to give him back to Thee, dear God, who gavest him to us.  Yet as Thou didst not lose him in giving, so we have not lost him by his return.  Not as the world gives, givest Thou, O Lover of Souls!  What Thou givest, Thou takest not away, for what is Thine is ours always, if we are Thine.  And life is eternal and Love is immortal; and Death is only an horizon; and an horizon is nothing save the limit of one's sight.

Lift us up, strong Son of God, that we may see farther.  Cleanse our eyes that we may see more clearly; draw us closer to thyself, that so we may know ourselves nearer to our beloved who are with Thee, and while Thou dost prepare a place for us, prepare us for that happy place, that where they are and Thou art we too may be.  Amen." (Wheeler, W. Reginald. A Man Sent from God: A Biography of Robert E. Speer. Fleming H. Revell Co, 1956. page 239)

God, who is able to give sight to the blind and raises the dead to life, is the source of life and love we can steadfastly look towards in all seasons of life--even with eyes blurred with tears.  I had never thought of death as "only a horizon" which is nothing but evidence of limitation of sight.  There is a limit to our vision and perspective, but God suffers no such limitations.  Mr. and Mrs. Speer prayed to be lifted up to see farther, for God to cleanse their vision so they could see more clearly.  With eyes of faith on Jesus they believed mourning was part of their preparation for heavenly joy in the presence of God and their beloved son.  While God was preparing a place for them in His presence, they too were being prepared.  Is this not the victory of faith in Jesus who overcomes the world and death as well?  Even in grief we are made more than conquerors by God's grace--weak and troubled though we may be.

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