21 September 2024

New Creations in Christ

"But God forbid that I should boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. 15 For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision avails anything, but a new creation."
Galatians 6:14-15

Being a disciple of Jesus begins with personal transformation by the Holy Spirit--not behaviour modification as some people imagine.  Better behaviour is not the end God is looking for in us, though that is something that is often emphasised.  What can result is spiritual pride for the good things you do and the bad things you avoid.  This also leads to our "walk" being up and down depending on our performance rather than being compelled by God's love to walk worthy of Him.

Paul wrote the letter of Galatians to Christians who has veered from salvation by grace through faith in Jesus to a return to the Law and legalism--that our good standing with God is secured by effort to keep the law.  One fact emphasised during His Sermon on the Mount was Jesus did not save souls to empower us to keep the Law of Moses, for He holds His disciples to a standard of righteousness that is higher than keeping the letter of the Law.  The Law forbade adultery, but Jesus explained the man who looks with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart.  No law has the power to change the hearts, minds and habits of mankind:  but Jesus can and does.

While we are called to follow the godly example of Jesus Christ, He does not want us to mimic or ape him without understanding.  Any Pharisee can keep the letter of the Law and add countless more laws and conditions to it according to human wisdom.  Rather than boasting of being circumcised according to the Law of Moses, Paul's boast was in the cross of the LORD Jesus Christ, the demonstration of His love and power to save lost sinners.  The Gospel makes new creations by faith in Jesus, and efforts to keep the Law of Moses still never saved a soul.  This is why the condition of our hearts is critical for Christians, for copying Jesus does not mean we know Him any more than an ape wearing a suit has fashion sense.  Those who mimic their way through a "Christian" life without inner transformation will hear from Christ, "Depart from Me; I never knew you."

Being physically circumcised or uncircumcised did not avail anything, nor did this emphasis benefit the Galatians or the proponents one bit.  If anything it indicated pride, self-righteousness, fear of being disfellowshipped or excluded, and a lack of faith in salvation by the Gospel of Jesus alone.  It is important we do not fall into the opposite error, thinking ourselves better or someone else lesser due to legalism.  Being made new creations by faith in Jesus, we are to walk in newness of life that hears and obeys the commands of Jesus.  It is the love of God, not a Law, that is to govern our interactions with others so God may be glorified, so He might increase and we might decrease.  Our integrity ought to spring comes from a heart transformed by God's love and walking according to the guidance and the convictions of the Holy Spirit--not by peer pressure, fear of failure, or to impress others--but because we are new creations by faith in Jesus.

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