05 August 2010

God's Definition Counts

While driving home yesterday, I heard on the radio that a federal judge in San Francisco overturned Prop 8 which was made law in California by a majority vote in 2008, citing it was "unconstitutional."  As exuberant homosexuals were interviewed concerning their "victory" in court, one common theme was repeated over and over:  equality.  Apparently a common belief among many in California is people should have equal rights to marry whomever they wish, no matter the sex.  Even though California recognizes civil unions, gays want the ability to buy a marriage certificate and have a wedding recognized by God and the government as legitimate.

To make gay marriage an equality issue is completely incorrect.  Over and over the same strawman arguments are repeated and prove a complete lack of understanding of who created and instituted marriage.  "But shouldn't  equality extend to gays as well as straight?  That's what this country was founded on.  Should we be punished because God made us this way?"  All of these comments miss the mark.  Couched in false, twisted logic, these statements seek to make villains of any person who upholds the biblical, historical, traditional, and true definition of marriage.

Let me preface this by saying that everyone who walks this earth has the God-given right to believe and do whatever you want to do.  It is because I regard God as my heavenly Father that I love those who differ greatly in their lifestyle and beliefs from my own and intend to treat all people with respect and grace.  I do not feel threatened or uncomfortable with the fact I am in the minority.  I also realize that I will likely not be given the same grace from others, but I am reminded that Jesus forgave and loved those who wronged Him.

Here are my beliefs founded upon the truths of scripture:  God created the heavens and the earth.  He made all that exists, for "without Him nothing was made that is made."  He created man in his own image.  God saw that man did not have a suitable companion among the animals and took a rib from Adam and created Eve.  Adam said of Eve that she was "bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh."  Genesis 2:24 says clearly, "Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh."  Marriage defined by God is between one man and one woman.  God says in Malachi 3:6, "I the LORD do not change."  God's character or laws do not alter over time.  He is the same yesterday, tomorrow, and forever.  Two men therefore CANNOT be married, nor can two women.  That is not marriage, nor could it ever be.  Marriage was not created by government or popular opinion of the masses, but by a God who created man, woman, and marriage.

A prime part of marriage is "be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it."  A gay union cannot produce children, being incompatible with the design God intended.  Because of man's rebellion against God, sin entered into the world and death through sin.  God made people exactly how He wanted to, but to blame a lifestyle upon God is wrong.  Because of the sin nature passed down through Adam's line, we all struggle with various temptations.  For some it is stealing, for others lustful thoughts.  We have all lied, coveted, and been envious of others.  Homosexuality is a perversion of God's intended plan for sex, as well as bestiality, incest, adultery, and fornication even among straight people.  Having sex outside of marriage is defined as sin in God's own words, and you must be a man and a woman to be married.

The fact is God will judge the entire world and all the people individually for their own sin.  I have lied, cheated, hated, and sinned in more ways than I could quantify.  I do not stand in judgment of any person because of their sins, for I have an abundance of my own!  You may not believe that homosexuality is a sin.  You may believe whatever you want.  But if you believe the Bible is God's Word and is true without error, than you should believe what is written therein.  When our lives are over we will be brought to judgment for all sins, even for our thoughts and intentions.  The wages of sin is death.  We cannot stand before God on our own merits, and we will be doomed to damnation for every evil word, deed, or thought.

I deserve to burn in hell for eternity for my sins, and when compared to the goodness and righteousness of God even that is too good for me.  But praise be to God!  In the Bible I learn not only of God's Law and harsh wrath towards sin, but also the mercy, love, grace, and forgiveness afforded all sinners by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross.  His resurrection from the dead proves His power over sin and death, and He calls to sinners everywhere to repent.  If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.  When we place our faith in Jesus and submit to His rule, the Holy Spirit takes up residence within us.  We are thus made alive unto God and dead unto sin by His grace.  He changes our hearts and takes away the power of sin which once ruled over all our desires.  God has the power to deliver us from lying, hatred, pride, homosexuality, drunkenness, one-night-stands, cutting, fear, every other sin, and ultimately death.  The sad part is many refuse to be delivered and give themselves completely over to their lusts for they know nothing else.  But peace and contentment cannot be found in sin no matter how devoted you are to it.

"Gay" marriage cannot exist, because God has already defined what marriage is:  a man (husband) and woman (wife) making a commitment to each other for the remainder of their lives.  Though we often fall short of God's ideal, it gives us no right to twist what He has made straight.  As for me, I will stick with God's definition.  The prevailing winds of our godless culture roar against God and His people, but we will remain firm.  1 Cor. 15:58 reads, "Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord."   

04 August 2010

Freedom in Obedience

Here is a great maxim from Dietrich Bonhoffer in his book The Cost of Discipleship:  "Only those who obey can believe, and only those who believe can obey."  Jesus calls everyone to discipleship.  We cannot blame our disobedience on Him.  On page 73 he says concerning the rich young ruler who approached Jesus, "Only the devil has an answer for our moral difficulties, and he says:  "Keep on posing problems, and you will escape the necessity of obedience"...There is one thing only which Jesus takes seriously, and that is that it is high time the young man began to hear the commandment and obey it.  Where moral difficulties are taken so seriously, where they torment and enslave man, because they do not leave him open to the freeing activity of obedience, it is there that his total godlessness is revealed.  All his difficulties are shown to be ungodly, frivolous, and the proof of sheer disobedience.  The one thing that matters is practical obedience.  That will solve his difficulties and make him (and all of us) free to become the child of God."

29 July 2010

Into the Furnace!

How often are God's ways different than ours!  We are always looking and praying to avoid difficulties while God intends we endure them!  I don't see things the way God sees them from the onset.  The story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego has taught me much.  These Hebrew men stood resolutely in the face of certain death believing God could deliver them out of King Nebuchadnezzar's hands.  When the music played they refused to bow before the image he set up, and he commanded the furnace be heated seven times hotter than usual so their death would be certain.

If I had been in their shoes, I suppose I would have prayed the wrong things from the start.  I would have prayed something like, "God, help us not to be caught when we refuse to bow down."  Well, they were caught.  Then, "LORD, please keep us out of that fiery furnace."  They were thrown into the furnace.  Only THEN would I have thought to pray as clothes caught fire, "God, please use this situation for your glory."  It was only once inside the furnace that God's glory could be revealed.  God used that furnace to refine the faith of the Hebrew men and all the children of God since.  When I would have been dodging that furnace, God wanted to meet His children INSIDE of it!

Inside the fiery trial is not only where we will have the closest, sweetest fellowship with Jesus, but that is where the eyes of others will be opened to His reality.  It was amazing that the Hebrew men walked around unharmed in the fire, and a fourth man appeared with them likened unto the Son of God!  It was then that King Nebuchadnezzar called them out of the furnace as servants of the Most High God!  Even in the middle of that raging furnace the men were completely unharmed and had to be invited out.  But I can assure you they were as profoundly affected as Nebuchadnezzar - perhaps not with shock and amazement, but a deep strengthening of their faith.

God does not refine His children in a vacuum, but out in the open (even in the furnace!) so others may see.  The furnace is not a wonderful place, but God makes wonderful use of it.  Though we may squirm at the thought of trials and difficulties, it is in that place where God has us right where He wants us.  This way we trust in Him alone, and all the world will know there IS a God who is real, mighty, and good.  It is in the furnace His Word is proven and our faith strengthened.  Our God is able to deliver us from the hottest furnace and willing to meet us in the most severe trial.  Will we trust Him?

28 July 2010

What does it mean?

I saw a viral video the other day which caught my attention.  I actually read about the video "Double Rainbow" before I saw it because people were curious about the man who shot the footage.  What was the story of the man behind the camera who was so excited about a double rainbow?  Was he on drugs?  A follow-up interview on youtube was very insightful into the mind and life of the man overcome by emotion at seeing the glory of God's creation.

As Paul Vasquez responds in ecstasy to the beautiful rainbow, he asks a question a couple of times:  "What does it mean?"  Humans are distinct from all creation in that we appreciate beauty.  Beauty is linked with significance.  Whether we see a gorgeous painting, a masterful sculpture in a gallery, catch the scent of a gently perfumed rose, or drink in a majestic sunset, we are naturally filled with appreciation and delight.  Works of art do not randomly occur, and the beauty of nature is no accident.  Good books and movies always have a reason they were made, a particular point the director or author desires to artistically bring forth.  In a similar way, God has created the earth and all living things for a singular purpose:  His glory!  Psalm 19:1-3 teaches us, "The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork. [2] Day unto day utters speech, and night unto night reveals knowledge. [3] There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard."

Rainbows can be explained as a "natural phenomenon," but never forget that it is God who has perfectly tuned and sustains nature for life to exist.  The beauty alone of a rainbow or the science which attempts to explain it cannot touch the significance.  Thankfully God explains the meaning of the rainbow in the Bible!  After the destruction of the great flood Genesis 9:13-16 reads, "I set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth. [14] It shall be, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the rainbow shall be seen in the cloud; [15] and I will remember My covenant which is between Me and you and every living creature of all flesh; the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh. [16] The rainbow shall be in the cloud, and I will look on it to remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth."

I was delighted to hear the emotion of Mr. Vasquez  and I have no doubt God relished it as well.  It was so natural, so genuine.  I do not know of his personal beliefs concerning God, and no doubt some would cringe at the repetition of "Oh my G-d!" as blasphemous.  Interestingly enough, that particular phrase is used some 20 times in scripture during occasions of prayer or worship.  That phrase has become flippant, common, and when used without reverence would indeed be blasphemous.  But how can I judge a man overcome with tears while witnessing the beauty of God's creation on account of his verbiage?  People assume someone so excited about a double-rainbow must be on drugs.  I only wish us Christians had that kind of excitement about the God who made those rainbows!

Every rainbow in the sky is placed there by God.  He takes ownership of every one.  When "I set My rainbow in the cloud...I will remember My covenant which is between Me and you and every living creature of all flesh; the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh."  That curved band of color is a sign of God's promise to all who live that He will never destroy all flesh with a flood again.  The significance has not changed since the beginning.  As God creates every rainbow and looks upon it, I cannot help but consider He looks upon all people He has made to see if they glory in His handiwork.  If we will shout for a sport team, how much more should we cheer on the Creator of all things!  In this God is pleased.