10 October 2012

Feeling Overwhelmed?

"Hear my cry, O God; attend to my prayer. 2 From the end of the earth I will cry to You, when my heart is overwhelmed; lead me to the rock that is higher than I. 3 For You have been a shelter for me, a strong tower from the enemy. 4 I will abide in Your tabernacle forever; I will trust in the shelter of Your wings. Selah"
 Psalm 61:1-4

Ever had one of those days when you feel totally overwhelmed?  Today has been one of those days for me.  As my "To Do" list seems to grow exponentially, I cannot tick the boxes fast enough.  Tax questions, unresolved credit card charges, immigration papers, heart and sermon preparation, ministry administration, and countless other tasks scream to be recognised.  How do we move forward in vision when stuck in the slough and are barely able to breathe?  Things I have been meaning to do for months have remained undone, and there is no break on the horizon.  Sound familiar?  That's life.  Trouble is, this life of toil on earth can suck the life right out of us.

But all is not lost when Christ is our gain!  The psalmist cried out to God when he was overwhelmed, and God attends to the prayers of the humble in heart that diligently seek Him.  There is a Rock of Salvation for all, even from the stress of this life.  What I love is David's acknowledgement in verse 3:  God had been his shelter and tower in the past, and He would bring him through any difficult and treacherous season.  The proof that God would bring Him through is that God had brought him through.  What a consolation this is for those who are overwhelmed!  No matter how big and impossible obstacles may be, they are never bigger than God.  He is the One who attends to our prayers, leads, and shelters us.  He is indeed the lifter of our heads.

Now back to the grindstone!  The mundane, the daily grind is a touchstone for our faith.  When our faith is placed squarely in God we will endure because great is the LORD and worthy to be praised.  His mercies are new every morning, for great is His faithfulness.  "Que Sera, Sera" means "whatever will be, will be."  It is a resignation to our powerlessness.  Instead of that, may we who are in Christ look to the Great I Am.  He was, is, and will ever be for eternity.

09 October 2012

When You Can't Say Goodbye

There is a bitter sweetness in parting.  The hope of being reunited dulls the pain of separation.  Just a week ago I was reunited with my wife and children after their trip to southern California.  When we parted at the airport, there was sadness to be heading separate ways yet a joyful expectancy of their visit with friends and family.  God willing, we would meet again.  At the prescribed time, I met them at the airport!  Like most people, I have endured many different sorts of goodbyes:  leaving home to start a family, at the bedside of a loved one who would soon pass into eternity, and a goodbye to family, friends, and the United States of America when we relocated to Australia.  Sadness in parting, but a joyful expectancy of reunion.

I received word yesterday that one of my friends, Mark Rawn, unexpectedly passed into eternity on Sunday.  I cried for him.  I cried for myself that I could not be there and show support to honour his memory.  Now there was a man!  Raw, powerful, joyful, and genuine.  I remember speaking to him many Sunday mornings at church, him wearing his Washington Redskins hat and hoodie.  Shaking his hand was like being gripped by steel.  Mark looked like someone who played center back in the day, built like Juggernaut.  Quick to smile and laugh, a hearty "Amen!" from Mark was not uncommon in church, or even an occasional snore.  When Mark first trusted in Jesus Christ, he brought a six-pack to a Bible study.  Why not?  This man loved God, his little girl Angelyna, big cars, guns, and the Skins.  I can only see his face with a beaming smile.  I love you Mark!  I never got to tell him, but I immediately thought of Mark when I saw Master Boar at the end of the Gongmen Jail scene in "Kung Fu Panda 2."  "Yeeeaah!"  I'll never forget him.

One of my fondest memories of Mark is when he was a Roman guard in a church play at Calvary Chapel El Cajon.  He brought a real edge to the role.  While everyone else was tiptoeing around with the mocking of Christ during the scourging scene, Mark laid into Jesus with mockery, scorn, and ridicule.  I was so proud of him.  He wanted people to realise the kind of brutal, shocking treatment the Son of God chose to endure for sinful man's sake.  Mark had tasted of the redeeming, reconciling, delivering love of Jesus Christ.  He would have Jesus glorified.  Oh my friend, how I wish I could have been there for you before you met your Saviour face to face.  I'm so sorry I couldn't say goodbye.  The tears keep coming.

David's "Song of the Bow" says it well in 2 Samuel 1:23-25:  "How the mighty have fallen in the midst of the battle! Jonathan was slain in your high places. 26 I am distressed for you, my brother Jonathan; you have been very pleasant to me; your love to me was wonderful, surpassing the love of women. 27 "How the mighty have fallen, and the weapons of war perished!"  Yet despite the bitterness of this devastating loss, there is sweetness.  There is sweetness knowing that Mark has passed from life on earth in the everlasting arms of His Saviour.  Death on earth is a direct result of sin, but for those who repent and are born again by grace through faith in Christ death is like going to sleep.  The death of the physical body of Christians opens the door to release the soul to eternity in heaven.  Jesus says in John 11:25-26, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. 26 And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?"  Mark believed this.  I believe it too.  It is not our belief which will reunite us together in heaven, but the power of Jesus Christ according to His own infallible Word.

Mark has fallen, but One mightier than he has raised him to life.  I'm glad Jesus has made room in heaven for guys like Mark and me.  Rest in the Prince of Peace, my brother.  I never had the chance to say goodbye, but I'm looking forward to being reunited.  I don't know God's timing, but our meeting in a life more real and lasting than what we have experienced on earth is a certainty.  That's a "hello" worth waiting for!

08 October 2012

Follow First!

The human body is a marvel of design.  It is able to grow, regenerate, heal, become strong and muscular through exercise, and achieve remarkable feats through training and intelligence.  But even the most refined bodies have limitations.  A man may be able to run fast, but he can only run so fast.  "Perfect" vision remains limited in scope and range.  Though our bodies are dynamic, in every way we are confronted by limits.  These boundaries may be enlarged through practice, but our human condition imposes limits upon us.

This is not meant to be a negative "half-glass empty" post of resigning ourselves to our natural limitations.  On the contrary:  our limitations should turn our gaze upon the One who is limitless and infinite, the Almighty God.  We are not able, but God is able.  We are naturally senseless when it comes to spiritual things.  Even the knowledge of our sin and separation from God does not mean in our flesh we are able to rectify things.  School House Rock claimed "Knowledge is power," but in spiritual matters knowledge only condemns us and reveals our insufficiency to do anything.  It is only in Jesus Christ we find the power to will and do of His good pleasure.

Despite our lack, let us diligently seek God.  Sometimes we want to see the answers or have the knowledge before we will passionately pursue Jesus.  A great illustration of how men are to follow Jesus is found in Matthew 9:27-30:  "When Jesus departed from there, two blind men followed Him, crying out and saying, "Son of David, have mercy on us!" 28 And when He had come into the house, the blind men came to Him. And Jesus said to them, "Do you believe that I am able to do this?" They said to Him, "Yes, Lord." 29 Then He touched their eyes, saying, "According to your faith let it be to you." 30 And their eyes were opened..."  Two blind men, acutely aware of their lack of sight, called out as Jesus passed by them:  "Have mercy on us!"  But Jesus did not stop.  He continued walking until He reached a house.  These persistent men followed Jesus to the home and "came to Him."  They were not angry or resentful that Jesus did not stop for them.  They were desperate to see and believed Jesus could heal them.  Their faith caused them to pursue, and Jesus touched them.  They were healed and no doubt rejoiced!

We need to come to Jesus even as these blind men, unashamed to cry out for healing and salvation from their condition.  Their lack and limitations opened their eyes of faith in the God who could deliver them.  They did not require that Jesus act according to their dictates, but pursued Him even in their blind state.  Jesus said, "According to your faith be it unto you."  He touched them, and their healing was evidence of their genuine faith.  I identify with these blind men.  I was once blind but now I see.  I was blind with 20-20 vision.  It was Jesus who touched me and caused me to spiritually see.  Instead of demanding relief from our symptoms before we will follow Christ in faith, let us follow first.  His transforming, healing, and saving touch is of greater worth than all the gems and gold in every galaxy known and unknown.  His love is greater than man's ability to see or fathom.

06 October 2012

Home Again!

I have never been as delighted as I was yesterday to endure peak hour traffic.  I was blessed beyond words to pick up my wife and sons from the airport after their amazing visit of family and friends in the United States.  I want to thank all of you who were so gracious and generous to host and bless them with giving of your time to visit, for hosting, transportation, and the many encouraging words, meals, and gifts.  Jetlag has been present but not oppressive.  Thanks very much for all the prayer and love.  Words cannot adequately convey my thanks to God and you all for your care and kindness.  I hope to spend some extra time with the boys before they head back to school routine on Tuesday.

It is good to have the family home.  I do not use the word "home" lightly.  The ultimate home for all who are in Christ is heaven, a city whose Maker is God.  But for now, Australia is the place we are blessed to call home.  I feel like the words of Christ in Mark 10:29-30 have already been fulfilled:  "Assuredly, I say to you, there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands, for My sake and the gospel's, 30 who shall not receive a hundredfold now in this time--houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands, with persecutions--and in the age to come, eternal life."  For those who miss us greatly and by God's grace do so with joy for Christ's sake, you no doubt will receive a gracious reward.  Separation can be a bitter pill to swallow, but in Christ we have sweetness beyond compare.  We never need be separated from Him and in Christ is our life.  Taste and see that the LORD is good!