15 October 2017

Forever Friends

"Then Jonathan said to David, "Go in peace, since we have both sworn in the name of the LORD, saying, 'May the LORD be between you and me, and between your descendants and my descendants, forever.' " So he arose and departed, and Jonathan went into the city."
1 Samuel 20:42

When I read this verse, it struck me how God changes our perspective of life entirely:  He enables us to view life through the lens of eternity.  Jonathan and David made a covenant of friendship before God, an expression of love and loyalty beyond life on earth.  It is remarkable how marriage ordained by God between a man and a woman ends when "death do us part," yet those who born again through faith in Jesus Christ will experience forever friendship.

David was forced to flee because of King Saul's murderous madness.  Yet David and Jonathan took solace that as men who feared the Almighty God who lives forever, the distance which separated them was only temporary.  Time apart could not compare to eternity.  The LORD had brought them together as friends, and He would bring and keep them together as well.  Having immigrated internationally, I am joyful in knowing friendship I have with those who are born-again will endure forever.  Jesus called His disciples friends (John 15:15), and every friend of Christ is mine as well.  What great joy there is in enduring friendship, not only on this planet but forever in the LORD's presence!

Jonathan bid David to "Go in peace," and all who have discovered peace through faith in Jesus Christ can also abide in it.  All who have friends will eventually find themselves separated by distance or the death of the body, but we can have peace knowing we will meet again in the best circumstances, in the heavenly embrace of God without the shackles of time or other earthly constraints.  "We will meet again" people say hopefully, yet fellow followers of Jesus know this with all our certainty of salvation.  Death is swallowed up in victory, and the sting is gone.  Shouldn't this cause us to rejoice in our eternal Saviour?  


  1. A very encouraging post. There are so many people I have said goodbye to, even recently, but I take comfort knowing I will see them again. A friendship in Christ does not end with goodbyes.

  2. Thanks for sharing Aaron! We will meet again, praise God :)

    1. Amen to that! And, Lord willing, our families will get to hang out before too long in this life :)


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