02 October 2017

Labour Day Every Day

"My Father has been working until now, and I have been working."
- Jesus Christ, quoted from John 5:17

It is Labour Day in New South Wales, a welcome day of respite from labours.  That is not to say it isn't a good day for working - like washing the cars and vacuuming them.  Labour is work, and would you agree "work" has largely a negative connotation?  We say things like, "I had to work on the weekend" or say a decision created "extra work."  If we can manage with less work, most people are happy with the concept.

God has been working until now, Jesus was working, and it is fair to say a follower of Jesus should work too - and be happy and grateful for it.  After God created Adam, He put him to work keeping and tending the Garden of Eden.  It wasn't because God chose to delegate work He couldn't handle, but because work is something God does and loves to do.  No one made God work, but God has been working until now.  Kings can do as much or as little "work" as they want, and God had no problem creating work for Himself because it isn't hard for Him.  The work He starts He finishes.

Even at a young age, Jesus realised He had been given tasks by His heavenly Father.  After Jesus was found by Joseph and Mary in the Temple, Luke 2:49 records the works of Christ:  "And He said to them, "Why did you seek Me? Did you not know that I must be about My Father's business?"  These are the words of a young teenager who knew something many people never learn:  God is working until now, and we ought to joyfully work too.  There's nothing wrong with having a rest or a holiday, but work shouldn't be a four-letter word.  If "work" isn't something which pleases you, remember how God is working all the time.  As He works in us, when we cooperate He can also work through us.

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